Management API allows external services and apps to manage users and groups, datasources, queries, dashboards and widgets programmatically. The API is RESTful, and can be accessed via https://
The default Knowi Management API host is
To turn the API Management API, you must be an admin user and enable it from the User Settings.
To enable, navigate to the Settings -> User settings -> "Account settings" tab -> "Management API" row and click "Enable".
At any time you can generate new credentials by disabling your existing credentials and re-enabling.
For authentication use OAuth 2.0 bearer access token in the HTTP headers of every request. Obtain a bearer token using your client id and client secret using the login end point. After the session, we also recommendd using the logout end point to log out of the session. The default timeout for the bearer token is 1 hour, after which an UNAUTHORIZED (401) status code will be returned, at which point you will need again obtain new bearer access token using "login" command.
Typical workflow:
To get bearer access token, turn on Management API in the User settings to obtain your "client id" and "client secret". Be sure to keep this in the safe place.
POST /api/1.0/login
Parameter | Comments |
client_id | client_id is a part of credentials obtained from User settings. |
client_secret | client_secret is a part of credentials obtained from User settings. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | { "access_token": <Access Token used for API calls>, "token_type": <Type of Token> ("Bearer" always), "expires_in": <Number of seconds before the token expires> (by default - 3600 seconds) } |
{ "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
404 NOT_FOUND | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
The returned by "login" bearer access token should be used in subsequent calls to the Management API in header named "Authorization":
Authorization: Bearer 69EuuRHieoidfbth48ygR9843wrgw94930g39845
curl -i -d "client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/login
Call this end point to destroy the bearer token. You can re-issue a bearer token using the login end point.
DELETE /api/1.0/logout
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/logout
This endpoint returns a listing the information of all the users in the workspace
GET /api/1.0/users
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "id":10077, "username":"[email protected]", "name":"Test8", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" }, { "id":890, "groupName":"group1" }, { "id":891, "groupName":"group2" } ], "roles":[ "admin" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false }, { "id":10081, "username":"[email protected]", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":890, "groupName":"group1" } ], "roles":[ "admin" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/
This endpoint returns all the information about a specific user of a given user Id
GET /api/1.0/users/<user_id>
Parameter | Comments |
user_id | User id to get info about specified User |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "id":10091, "username":"[email protected]", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" } ], "roles":[ "viewer" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001
This endpoint returns a user detail of a given username
GET /api/1.0/users/search
Parameter | Comments |
userType | the type of user to filter results (regular|sso|external) |
username | the username to search |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "id":10091, "username":"[email protected]", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" } ], "roles":[ "viewer" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HEREISYOUR_BEARER"[email protected]&userType=sso
This endpoint is for creating a new user with specified information
POST /api/1.0/users/
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
username | User name of new user, actually the existing email of new user |
password | Password for new user |
phone | It is used to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages (SMS) linked to your account, and is also required in Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to log into Knowi. |
userGroups |
userGroups is a nested object that contains object here for backward compatibility the following properties are: id: This is an id of the group accessLevel: This is a level of the access |
userRole | This is the role of a user. |
autoShareTo | Automatically share all assets created and linked to a user with the selected groups. This is useful within a team setting to collaborate on assets created by one user to be transferred to others automatically, without sharing individual assets explicitly. Shared assets include any datasources, queries, widgets, and dashboards. Value is an array of JSON objects (groups) with an "id" field in each of groups to autoShareTo. For example, to auto-share to group with id 902: [{\"id\": 902 }] |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
twoFactorAuth | User enters their username and password to log in, Once the credentials are verified, the system prompts the user for a second factor of authentication and gets verified Via SMS or Via Email. Boolean value, if set to "true" then two-factor authorization (2FA) is enabled for the account |
limitListingUsersToGroups | Limit sharing to groups. When set, this user will only see other users within the same groups to be able to share assets to. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created user json info (same as "Get user" command). Output example:
{ "id":10091, "username":"[email protected]", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" } ], "roles":[ "viewer" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
409 CONFLICT | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username": "[email protected]", "password": "somePas1234Gfgsword", "phone": "somePhone", "userGroups": [{"id": 889, "accessLevel": 1}], "userRole": "viewer", "autoShareTo": [{"id": 889, "accessLevel": 1}], "contentFilters": [{"fieldName": "Customer", "values": ["Facebook"], "operator": "="}], "twoFactorAuth": "false", "limitListingUsersToGroups": false}' "http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users"
This endpoint is for deleting a specific user of a given user id
DELETE /api/1.0/users/<user_id>
Parameter | Comments |
user_id | User id of User to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10084?move_to=10085
This endpoint is for moving the user assets to another user of a given user id
PUT /api/1.0/users/<userId>/moveAssets?toUserId=123456
Parameter | Comments |
userId | User id of source user to transfer assets from |
toUserId | User id of destination user to transfer assets to |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X PUT http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10084/moveAssets?toUserId=10085
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the user details of a given user id
PUT /api/1.0/users/<user_id>
Parameter | Comments |
user_id | User id of the user to edit |
PUT JSON payload.
Any of fields are optional here (e.g. you can edit only required fields of user).
Parameter | Comments |
name | Name of user (this is not username) |
groups | List of groups to which User is belongs, including access level (1 - Edit rights, 2 - read-only) Example of object: [{"name":"Default","id":889,"type":"Groups","accessLevel":1}] |
roles | Role of the account, could be: admin, user, viewer or custom role |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
timezone | String timezone of the user location, e.g.: America/Los_Angeles |
twoFactorAuth (BOOL value) | User enters their username and password to log in, Once the credentials are verified, the system prompts the user for a second factor of authentication and gets verified Via SMS or Via Email. Boolean value, if set to "true" then two-factor authorization (2FA) is enabled for the account |
phone | It is used to make and receive calls, send and receive text messages (SMS) linked to your account, and is also required in Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to log into Knowi. |
defaultDashboardId | ID of dashboard to be shown whenever user login |
autoShareTo | Automatically share all assets created and linked to a user with the selected groups. This is useful within a team setting to collaborate on assets created by one user to be transferred to others automatically, without sharing individual assets explicitly. Shared assets include any datasources, queries, widgets, and dashboards. Value is an array of JSON objects (groups) with an "id" field in each of groups to autoShareTo. For example, to auto-share to group with id 902: [{\"id\": 902 }] |
limitListingUsersToGroups | Limit sharing to groups. When set, this user will only see other users within the same groups to be able to share assets to. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created user json info (same as "Get user" command). Output example:
{ "id":10091, "username":"[email protected]", "customerId":1033, "autocycle":false, "tempUser":false, "ssoUser":false, "newUser":false, "timeZone":"America/Los_Angeles", "userGroups":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" } ], "roles":[ "viewer" ], "free":false, "twoFactorAuth":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"name\":\"someName123\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10096
This endpoint returns a listing of all the groups
GET /api/1.0/groups
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" }, { "id":890, "groupName":"group1" }, { "id":891, "groupName":"group2" } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/groups/
This endpoint returns a listing the groups of a specific user of a given user id
GET /api/1.0/users/<user_id>/groups
Parameter | Comments |
user_id | User id of User to get Groups |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "id":889, "groupName":"Default" }, { "id":890, "groupName":"group1" }, { "id":891, "groupName":"group2" } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001/groups/
This endpoint returns all the groups of a given group id
GET /api/1.0/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
group_id | Group id of Group to get |
withSharing | Optional query parameter, value (boolean) true/false. Default value is false. If true, then output will contain list of assets shared into group, and also autoShareUsers field with list of Users which autoShared into this group (only available if user have permissions to list Users of Customer). |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1", "dashboards":[], "charts":[{"accessLevel":1,"name":"An Chart","objectId":26563}], "queries":[], "datasources":[], "autoShareUsers":[{"ssoUser":false,"name":"an user name","externalAuthId":0,"id":10093,"userName":"[email protected]"}] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/groups/10001?withSharing=true
This endpoint returns listing of all the groups which are assigned to a specific user
GET /api/1.0/users/<user_id>/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
userid | User id of User to get specified Group in it |
group_id | Group id of Group to get info about inside specified User |
withSharing | Optional query parameter, value (boolean) true/false. Default value is false. If true, then output will contain list of assets shared into group, and also autoShareUsers field with list of Users which autoShared into this group (only available if user have permissions to list Users of Customer). |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1", "dashboards":[], "charts":[{"accessLevel":1,"name":"An Chart","objectId":26563}], "queries":[], "datasources":[], "autoShareUsers":[{"ssoUser":false,"name":"an user name","externalAuthId":0,"id":10093,"userName":"[email protected]"}] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001/groups/90002?withSharing=true
This endpoint is for creating a new group
POST /api/1.0/groups/
Parameter | Comments |
groupName | Group name of new group |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created group json info (same as "Get group" command). Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -d "groupname=newGroupName1" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/groups
This endpoint is for creating a group with a user of a given user id
POST /api/1.0/users/<user_id>/groups/
Parameter | Comments |
userid | User id of User to create Group in it |
groupName | Group name of new group |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created group json info (same as "Get group" command). Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -d "groupname=newGroupName1" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001/groups
This endpoint is for deleting a specific group of a given group id
DELETE /api/1.0/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
group_id | Group id of Group to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/groups/895
This endpoint is for deleting a group that is assigned to a user
DELETE /api/1.0/users/<user_id>/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
userid | User id of User to delete Group in it |
group_id | Group id of Group to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001/groups/895
This endpoint is for deleting a group of a given group id
PUT /api/1.0/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
group_id | Group id of Group to edit |
groupName | New group name of Group |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return updated group json info (same as "Get group" command). Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X PUT -d "groupName=updatedGroupName1" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/groups/897
This endpoint is for updating/modifying a group of the selected user of a given group id
PUT /api/1.0/users/<user_id>/groups/<group_id>
Parameter | Comments |
user_id | User id where edit the Group |
group_id | Group id of Group to edit |
groupName | New group name of Group |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return updated group json info (same as "Get group" command). Output example:
{ "id":890, "groupName":"group1" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X PUT -d "groupName=updatedGroupName1" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/users/10001/groups/897
This endpoint returns a listing of all the dashboards
GET /api/1.0/dashboards
Parameter | Comments |
byCategory | Optional parameter. Comma separated list of categories IDs to filter by. Multiple categories applied as OR operator. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "createdDate":1484118380000, "id":110634, "name":"Dashboard1", "userId":10077, "url":"eD8yPisWdcQhdOeip2IJii6Tip1dLNOlFJiiDHhW3iiqSHqtQie", "selected":true, "displayOrder":0, "screenAdjust":true, "screenWidth":1447, "screenHeight":908, "lastModDt":1492849740000, "lastAccessDt":1492849740000, "locked":false, "accessLevel":1, "showWidgetList":true }, { "createdDate":1481572146000, "id":110617, "name":"Dashboard2", "userId":10077, "url":"m2a68Ahq9l9cNWKNQoqXipiirjzwiiUGPUis0QurjbHE5bIie", "selected":true, "displayOrder":0, "screenAdjust":false, "screenWidth":1680, "screenHeight":1050, "lastModDt":1492550129000, "lastAccessDt":1492550093000, "locked":false, "accessLevel":1, "showWidgetList":true, } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards?byCategory=123,642
This endpoint returns the filter details, default filters of the dashboard of a given object id
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id to view Dashboard |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": 1648068871000, "id": 111096, "name": "dash143", "userId": 10077, "url": "HVa5lnnSTripXot5n4jrzUq4j4cjnr7Iisb1gffTwBxwUie", "selected": true, "displayOrder": 0, "screenAdjust": true, "screenWidth": 1515, "screenHeight": 0, "lastModDt": 1648659658000, "lastAccessDt": 1648659606000, "locked": false, "accessLevel": 0, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "favorite": false, "notDefaultFilter": true, "properties": { "excludeGridWidgetsFromPdfExport": false, "excludeExpandedGridFromPdfExport": false, "filters": [ { "fieldName": "Clicks", "values": [ "1005" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "dashboardDisplayValues": [ "1005" ], "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description", } ], "defaultFilters": [ { "fieldName": "Clicks", "values": [ "1000" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "dashboardDisplayValues": [ "1000" ], "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" } ] }, "my": false, "orderedPositions": [ { "chartId": 26908, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 1, "row": 1, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 26908, "size_x": 12, "size_y": 12 }, { "chartId": 26909, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 13, "row": 1, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 26909, "size_x": 12, "size_y": 12 } ], "showWidgetList": true, "dashNameAsValidFilename": "dash143" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/10001
This endpoint is for generating a dashboard share URL
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/share/url
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id to update share url with new share hash and generate and return the newly generated hash together with content filters |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
refresh | true(Default) If false and the current dashboard already has share URLs, the endpoint will NOT update the existing hash. Instead it will just generate the content filter hash. The response is the same as before (i.e. unchanged). Note - when the refresh flag set to false and the dashboard does NOT have share or secure share (respectively) enabled, the endpoint will try to enable it |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "shareUrl": "4PdpqevhrfPYxmof6t2mbRkzuzXcAbmxWJhtip38VmrQie?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22Customer%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Facebook%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D" } Note: To construct the full url, prepend /d/ and the "shareUrl" to the host name and port. For example: http://localhost:9090/d/4PdpqevhrfPYxmof6t2mbRkzuzXcAbmxWJhtip38VmrQie?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22Customer%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Facebook%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110865/share/url -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'contentFilters=[{"fieldName":"Customer","values":["Facebook"],"operator":"="}]'
This endpoint is for generating a dashboard secure share URL of a given dashboard id
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/share/url/secure
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id to update secure share url with new share hash and generate and return the newly generated hash together with content filters |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
refresh | true(Default) If false and the current dashboard already has share URLs, the endpoint will NOT update the existing hash. Instead it will just generate the content filter hash. The response is the same as before (i.e. unchanged). Note - when the refresh flag set to false and the dashboard does NOT have share or secure share (respectively) enabled, the endpoint will try to enable it |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "secureShareUrl": "kN3Gj9jipB458gipMJ8EoaeC8rWfny3kp2XIPamz8V9PQie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww==" } Note: To construct the full url, prepend /share/secure/ and the ?secureShareUrl" to the host name and port. For example: http://localhost:9090/share/secure/kN3Gj9jipB458gipMJ8EoaeC8rWfny3kp2XIPamz8V9PQie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww== |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110865/share/url/secure -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'contentFilters=[{"fieldName":"Customer","values":["Facebook"],"operator":"="}]'
This endpoint is for creating a hash for embedding a secure URL of a given set of filters. Whereas the API call above will regenerate the full secure URL, this call will only generate the hash while leaving the share URL id the same.
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/share/url/secure/hash
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id to generate secure share url |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "secureHash": "kN3Gj9jipB458gipMJ8EoaeC8rWfny3kp2XIPamz8V9PQie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww==" } Note: To construct the full url, prepend /share/secure/ and the ?secureHash" to the host name and port. For example: http://localhost:9090/share/secure/kN3Gj9jipB458gipMJ8EoaeC8rWfny3kp2XIPamz8V9PQie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww== |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110865/share/url/secure/hash -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'contentFilters=[{"fieldName":"Customer","values":["Facebook"],"operator":"="}]'
This endpoint retrieves a list of users and groups with whom the dashboard has been shared.
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id of Dashboard to share |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | JSON object with list of users and groups with whom the dashboard has been shared. Output example:
{ "list": [ { "id": 10222, "type": "Users", "name": "euler (Leonhard Euler)", "accessLevel": 1 }, { "id": 890, "type": "Groups", "name": "group1", "accessLevel": 1 } ] }Note: If a dashboard hasn't been shared to any user or group, endpoint will return an empty list. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110643/share
This endpoint is for sharing the dashboard with users or groups of a given dashboard id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id of Dashboard to share |
ssoUser | Optional bool. Set to `true` if sharing to sso user |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]" }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\" } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110643/share
This endpoint is for creating a new dashboard
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
dashName | Dashboard name |
screenWidth | Dashboard screen width in pixels |
screenHeight | Dashboard screen height in pixels |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created Dashboard json info (same as "Get Dashboard" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1481572146000, "id":110617, "name":"Dashboard2", "userId":10077, "url":"m2a68Ahq9l9cNWKNQoqXipiirjzwiiUGPUis0QurjbHE5bIie", "selected":true, "displayOrder":0, "screenAdjust":false, "screenWidth":1680, "screenHeight":1050, "lastModDt":1492550129000, "lastAccessDt":1492550093000, "locked":false, "accessLevel":1, "showWidgetList":true, } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"dashName\":\"dashboardName1\",\"screenWidth\":1000,\"screenHeight\":800}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards
This endpoint is for deleting a dashboard of given dashboard id
DELETE /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Id of Dashboard to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/10084
This endpoint is for updating/modifying a dashboard of a given dashboard id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id of Dashboard to edit |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
dashName | New Name of Dashboard |
categories | Array list of categories IDs to assign |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return edited Dashboard json info (same as "Get Dashboard" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1481572146000, "id":110617, "name":"Dashboard2", "userId":10077, "url":"m2a68Ahq9l9cNWKNQoqXipiirjzwiiUGPUis0QurjbHE5bIie", "selected":true, "displayOrder":0, "screenAdjust":false, "screenWidth":1680, "screenHeight":1050, "lastModDt":1492550129000, "lastAccessDt":1492550093000, "locked":false, "accessLevel":1, "showWidgetList":true, } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"dashName\":\"updatedDashboardName1\", \"categories\" : [ 123, 456 ]}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/10001
This endpoint is for cloning/copying a dashboard
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectIdToClone>
Parameter | Comments |
objectIdToClone | Dashboard id of Dashboard to clone |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
dashName | New (cloned) Name of Dashboard |
screenWidth | Cloned dashboard screen width in pixels |
screenHeight | Cloned dashboard screen height in pixels |
shouldCloneWidgets | Optional boolean parameter to indicate whether to clone the dashboard together with all the widgets on this dashboard. |
cloneWidgetsPrefix | Optional string parameter to specify a prefix for the cloned widget names. |
cloneWidgetsSuffix | Optional string parameter to specify a suffix for the cloned widget names. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return cloned Dashboard json info (same as "Get Dashboard" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1481572146000, "id":110617, "name":"Dashboard2", "userId":10077, "url":"m2a68Ahq9l9cNWKNQoqXipiirjzwiiUGPUis0QurjbHE5bIie", "selected":true, "displayOrder":0, "screenAdjust":false, "screenWidth":1680, "screenHeight":1050, "lastModDt":1492550129000, "lastAccessDt":1492550093000, "locked":false, "accessLevel":1, "showWidgetList":true, } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"dashName\":\"clonedDashboardName1\",\"screenWidth\":1000,\"screenHeight\":800}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/110643
This endpoint returns a listing all the dashboard widgets
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/widgets?byCategory=<byCategory>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id in which to get widgets list |
byCategory | Optional parameter. Category id to filter by. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "id":25901, "name":"test5", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "datasetId":15150, "type":2, "description":null, "urlString":"02SscJ", "access":0, "refreshChartMillis":-1, "createdDate":1492282355000, "jsonConfig":null, "queryId":-1, "queryStr":null, "adhocQuery":null, "category":"All", "drilldown":false, "dataset":{ "createdDate":1492282355000, "lastModDate":1492282355000, "id":15150, "metadataConfig":"{\"fieldNames\":[\"id_0\",\"id\",\"geometry\",\"properties\"],\"dataTypes\":{\"id_0\":\"java.lang.String\",\"id\":\"java.lang.String\",\"geometry\":\"java.util.Map\",\"properties\":\"java.util.Map\"}}", "mongoId":null, "mongoConnectUri":"localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId":1033, "datasetName":"test5", "identifier":null, "userId":0, "customer":null, "metaData":{ "fieldNames":[ "id_0", "id", "geometry", "properties" ], "dataTypes":{ "id_0":"java.lang.String", "id":"java.lang.String", "geometry":"java.util.Map", "properties":"java.util.Map" } } }, "position":{ "chartId":25901, "width":-1, "height":-1, "originalScreenWidth":-1, "originalScreenHeight":-1, "col":1, "row":13, "id":25901, "xpos":0, "ypos":0, "size_x":12, "size_y":12 }, "associations":null, "queryModified":false, "updateFilters":false, "dataFields":[ ], "transientChartFilters":null, "typeModified":false, "lastSyncDate":1492282355000, "viewOnly":false, "truncated":false, "processedName":"test5", "widgetConfig":null, "chartProperties":{ "chart.type":"datagrid" }, "statusIndColumns":[ ], "gridBean":null, "dataRow":null, "text":"", "colNames":null, "dataRows":null, "live":false, "filters":null, "widgetType":"DATA_GRID", "macros":null, "dbFields":[ ], "widgetTypeStr":"datagrid", "filterFieldDataTypes":{ "geometry":"java.util.Map", "id":"java.lang.String", "id_0":"java.lang.String", "properties":"java.util.Map" }, "allFilters":[ ], "processedFilters":[ ] } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/10001/widgets?byCategory=123,923
This endpoint is for exporting the PDF file of a dashboard of a given dashboard id
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/export/pdf?contentFilters={content_filters}
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id to export to PDF |
contentFilters | The contentFilter is a JSON array of the field name, value, and operator of filters to be applied to the dashboard, which allows using of the same dashboard as a kind of template and generates different PDF exported report files with a different set of filters.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string)
Example: [{"fieldName": "page", "values":["Products"], "operator":"="}]Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
Pdf binary content. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" "http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/10001/export/pdf?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Products%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D" > file1.pdf
This endpoint returns a listing of all the user filter sets
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/filterset
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
[ { "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": 1565638416000, "id": 102092, "userId": 1214, "name": "filterset", "accessLevel": 1, "filters": [ ] } ] |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/filterset
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the filters and filtersets of a given filter id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/filter/update
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id into which to update filters and filtersets |
PUT JSON payload:
Sample input, the "properties" contains list of filters, the "filterSets" contains list of filterset to set to dashboard:
{ "properties": [ { "fieldName": "Bounced", "values": [ "5566" ], "operator": "Not Equals", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "dashboardDisplayValues": [ "5566" ], "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer", "sortIndex": 0 "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description", } ], "readOnly": false, "filterSets": [ { "accessLevel": 1, "name": "fs2", "id": 102106, "filters": [ { "fieldName": "Conversions", "values": [ "800" ], "operator": "Not Equals", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer", "fromFilterSet": true } ], "enabled": true, "defaultFilters": false, "locked": false, "visible": true } ] } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned. |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"properties":[{"fieldName":"Bounced","values":["5566"],"operator":"Not Equals","type":"java.lang.Integer","enabled":true,"visible":true,"transientFilter":false,"dashboardDisplayValues":["5566"],"fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","sortIndex":0}],"readOnly":false,"filterSets":[{"accessLevel":1,"name":"fs2","id":102106,"filters":[{"fieldName":"Conversions","values":["800"],"operator":"Not Equals","type":"java.lang.Integer","enabled":true,"visible":true,"fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","fromFilterSet":true}],"enabled":true,"defaultFilters":false,"locked":false,"visible":true}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111064/filter/update
This endpoint will clean up user filters and FilterSets on the dashboard and set default filters and filterSets. The filters will be set from input JSON, the FilterSet will be set from current user filtersets from a dashboard.
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/filter/default
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id in which set default filters |
PUT JSON payload:
The "properties" contains list of filters.
Sample: { "properties": [ { "fieldName": "Bounced", "values": [ "5566" ], "operator": "Not Equals", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "dashboardDisplayValues": [ "5566" ], "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer", "sortIndex": 0 "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description", } ] } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned. |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"properties":[{"fieldName":"Bounced","values":["5566"],"operator":"Not Equals","type":"java.lang.Integer","enabled":true,"visible":true,"transientFilter":false,"dashboardDisplayValues":["5566"],"fieldType":"java.lang.Integer"}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111097/filter/default
This endpoint is for resetting the user filter to the default dashboard of a given filterset id
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/filter/reset
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard id in which reset user filters to default filters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111064/filter/reset
This endpoint is for creating a new filter set
POST /api/1.0/dashboards/filterset
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
{"properties":[],"color":"#8ec8dc","name":"fs83","enabled":true} |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"properties":[],"color":"#8ec8dc","name":"fs83","enabled":true}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/filterset
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the filter set on the chosen dashboard including filters in the filter set of a given filterset id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<dashboardId>/filterset/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
dashboardId | Dashboard id in which to update Filter Set |
objectId | Filter Set id to update |
PUT JSON payload:
To get all variety of input parameters, please create filter in UI first, and then get/list it with another endpoint to investigate possible inputs. It may be changed in future versions.
Example: {"properties":[{"visible":true,"enabled":true,"fieldName":"Bounced","fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","operator":"Not Equals","values":["1234567"],"dashboardDisplayValues":["1234"]}]} |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"properties":[{"visible":true,"enabled":true,"fieldName":"Bounced","fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","operator":"Not Equals","values":["1234567"],"dashboardDisplayValues":["1234"]}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111064/filterset/102110
This endpoint is for making a filter set default of a given filterset id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<dashboardId>/filterset/<objectId>/default
Parameter | Comments |
dashboardId | Dashboard id in which make Filter Set as default |
objectId | Filter Set id to make default |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"properties":[{"fieldName":"Bounced","values":["1234567"],"operator":"Not Equals","type":"java.lang.Integer","enabled":true,"visible":true,"fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","fromFilterSet":true}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111064/filterset/102110/default
This endpoint is for resetting the filter set to default of a given filterset id
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/<dashboardId>/filterset/<objectId>/default
Parameter | Comments |
dashboardId | Dashboard id in which reset Filter Set to default. |
objectId | Filter Set id to reset to default |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No content returned |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/111064/filterset/102110/default
This endpoint is for sharing the filter set with the users/groups of a given filter id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/filterset/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Filter set id to share |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]", "ssoUser": true }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\", \"ssoUser\" : true } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/filterset/102093/share
This endpoint is for deleting a filter set of a given filter id
DELETE /api/1.0/dashboards/filterset/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Filter set id to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/filterset/102093
This endpoint is for adding a widget to the dashboard of a given widget id
PUT /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/<widgetId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard Id where contained widget to add |
widgetId | Widget Id to add |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameters | Comments |
row, col, size_x, size_y | The location and size of the widget on dashboard. The dashboard's width is 24, and all widgets is within this bound.
Example: { "row" : 1, "col" : 12, "size_x" : 12, "size_y": 12 } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"row\":1, \"col\":12, \"size_x\":12, \"size_y\":12}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/102093/26811
This endpoint is for removing the Widget from the dashboard of a given widget id
DELETE /api/1.0/dashboards/<objectId>/<widgetId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dashboard Id where contained widget is to be remove |
widgetId | Widget Id to remove |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/102093/26811
This endpoint returns and allows you to return/pull share properties associated with a dashboard (groups/users shared to).
GET /api/1.0/dashboards/
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Filter set id to share |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]", "ssoUser": true }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\", \"ssoUser\" : true } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/dashboards/filterset/102093/share
This endpoint returns a listing of widgets of a given category
GET /api/1.0/widgets?byCategory=<byCategory>
Parameter | Comments |
byCategory | Optional parameter. Comma separated list of categories IDs to filter by. Multiple categories applied as OR operator. |
pagination | Set to true to enable pagination. This is required for paginated requests. |
limit | Optional parameter. Maximum number of widgets to return per page. Works only if pagination set to true . Default is 100 . |
paginationBookmark | The bookmark from the previous request to fetch the next page of widgets. Use the nextBookmark field from the previous response. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "nextBookmark": "123", "list":[ { "id":25901, "name":"test5", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "datasetId":15150, "type":2, "description":null, "urlString":"02SscJ", "access":0, "refreshChartMillis":-1, "createdDate":1492282355000, "jsonConfig":null, "queryId":-1, "queryStr":null, "adhocQuery":null, "category":"All", "drilldown":false, "dataset":{ "createdDate":1492282355000, "lastModDate":1492282355000, "id":15150, "metadataConfig":"{\"fieldNames\":[\"id_0\",\"id\",\"geometry\",\"properties\"],\"dataTypes\":{\"id_0\":\"java.lang.String\",\"id\":\"java.lang.String\",\"geometry\":\"java.util.Map\",\"properties\":\"java.util.Map\"}}", "mongoId":null, "mongoConnectUri":"localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId":1033, "datasetName":"test5", "identifier":null, "userId":0, "customer":null, "metaData":{ "fieldNames":[ "id_0", "id", "geometry", "properties" ], "dataTypes":{ "id_0":"java.lang.String", "id":"java.lang.String", "geometry":"java.util.Map", "properties":"java.util.Map" } } }, "position":{ "chartId":25901, "width":-1, "height":-1, "originalScreenWidth":-1, "originalScreenHeight":-1, "col":1, "row":13, "id":25901, "xpos":0, "ypos":0, "size_x":12, "size_y":12 }, "associations":null, "queryModified":false, "updateFilters":false, "dataFields":[ ], "transientChartFilters":null, "typeModified":false, "lastSyncDate":1492282355000, "viewOnly":false, "truncated":false, "processedName":"test5", "widgetConfig":null, "chartProperties":{ "chart.type":"datagrid" }, "statusIndColumns":[ ], "gridBean":null, "dataRow":null, "text":"", "colNames":null, "dataRows":null, "live":false, "filters":null, "widgetType":"DATA_GRID", "macros":null, "dbFields":[ ], "widgetTypeStr":"datagrid", "filterFieldDataTypes":{ "geometry":"java.util.Map", "id":"java.lang.String", "id_0":"java.lang.String", "properties":"java.util.Map" }, "allFilters":[ ], "processedFilters":[ ] } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets?byCategory=123,642
This endpoint returns a listing of widget alerts of a given widget id
GET /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/alerts
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id to list alerts in it |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list": [ { "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": 1648134840000, "id": 242, "datasetId": 16170, "lastAlert": null, "sendToOld": null, "userId": 10077, "alertCondition": "select * where Sent > 100", "dataset": null, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": 4, "lastDataMeta": null, "accessLevel": 1, "scheduleId": 105, "schedule": { "frequencyType": "minute", "frequency": 15, "startTime": null, "cronConfig": "*/15 * * * *", "id": 105, "type": 0, "host": null, "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": null, "sync": 0, "nextExecutionEpoch": 1648124040, "nextExecutionTime": 1648124040000 }, "realtime": true, "executionReport": null, "firedCount": 0, "createdBy": null, "deletable": false, "chartId": 26908, "lastDataMetaObj": null, "properties": { "classVersion": 2, "emailOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "from": "[email protected]", "sendTo": "[email protected]", "cc": "", "bcc": "", "emailSubject": "alert10", "emailBody": "Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%", "attachDataset": false, "attachResultsAfterCloud9ql": false }, "webhookOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "selectedWebhooks": [ 200 ] }, "configAttachment": false, "attachmentConfig": { "datasetId": null, "query": "" }, "alertIfNoData": false, "skipSameAlert": true, "attachAlertData": true, "frequencyMarker": "custom", "operator": ">", "metric": "Sent", "threshold": "100" } }, { "createdDate": 1648121285000, "lastModDate": 1648121285000, "id": 240, "datasetId": 16170, "lastAlert": null, "sendToOld": null, "userId": 10077, "alertCondition": "select * where Sent > 100", "dataset": null, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": 4, "lastDataMeta": null, "accessLevel": 1, "scheduleId": 103, "schedule": { "frequencyType": "minute", "frequency": 15, "startTime": null, "cronConfig": "*/15 * * * *", "id": 103, "type": 0, "host": null, "createdDate": 1648121285000, "lastModDate": null, "sync": 0, "nextExecutionEpoch": 1648110485, "nextExecutionTime": 1648110485000 }, "realtime": true, "executionReport": null, "firedCount": 0, "createdBy": null, "deletable": false, "chartId": 26908, "lastDataMetaObj": null, "properties": { "classVersion": 2, "emailOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "from": "[email protected]", "sendTo": "[email protected]", "cc": "", "bcc": "", "emailSubject": "alert10", "emailBody": "Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%", "attachDataset": false, "attachResultsAfterCloud9ql": false }, "webhookOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "selectedWebhooks": [ 200 ] }, "configAttachment": false, "attachmentConfig": { "datasetId": null, "query": "" }, "alertIfNoData": false, "skipSameAlert": true, "attachAlertData": true, "frequencyMarker": "custom", "operator": ">", "metric": "Sent", "threshold": "100" } } ] } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/26908/alerts
This endpoint is to return the details of the widget, and also includes the ?filters" and ?defaultFilters" fields inside "widgetConfig" in by widget id
GET /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments | Type |
widgetId | Widget ID to retrieve | Number |
Parameter | Comments | Type | Default |
loadData | Whether or not to load widget data | Boolean | True |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": 1560856775000, "lastModDate": null, "id": 26559, "name": "sendingActivity", "userId": 10077, "customerId": 1033, "datasetId": 15848, "type": 1, "description": "descr2", "urlString": "4Mbaii", "access": 0, "refreshChartMillis": -1, "jsonConfig": "{\"filters\":[{\"fieldName\":\"clicks\",\"visible\":true,\"transientFilter\":false,\"values\":[\"1005\"],\"type\":\"java.lang.Integer\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\",\"operator\":\"Greater than\",\"enabled\":true}]}", "shareUrl": null, "accessLevel": -1, "dashboardAccessLevel": -1, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "urlShareWhitelistDomain": null, "filterSettings": null, "chartType": "band", "alertCount": 0, "queryId": -1, "queryStr": null, "adhocQuery": "select message_type, customer, date, week,\n clicks, spam, campaign_name,\n message_type as message_type2", "categories": [], "userExternalAuthId": 0, "userSso": false, "drilldown": false, "dataset": { "createdDate": 1560856775000, "lastModDate": null, "id": 15848, "metadataConfig": "{\"fields\":[{\"fieldName\":\"bounced\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"campaign_name\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"clicks\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"conversions\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"customer\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"date\",\"fieldType\":\"java.util.Date\"},{\"fieldName\":\"delivered\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"id\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"message_type\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"opened\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"sent\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"spam\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"week\",\"fieldType\":\"java.util.Date\"}]}", "lastUpdateDate": 1560856775000, "mongoId": null, "mongoConnectUri": "localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId": 1033, "datasetName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19", "identifier": "4Mbaii", "userId": 0, "refreshMeta": false, "injectStreamTime": true, "nlpEnabled": true, "nlpBotEnabled": true, "nlpConfig": null, "customer": null, "metaData": { "fields": [ { "fieldName": "bounced", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "campaign_name", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, ..., { "fieldName": "week", "fieldType": "java.util.Date" } ], "dataTypes": { "bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "campaign_name": "java.lang.String", ..., "week": "java.util.Date" }, "fieldNames": [ "bounced", "campaign_name", ..., "week" ] }, "direct": false }, "position": { "chartId": 0, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 0, "row": 0, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 0, "size_x": 0, "size_y": 0 }, "associations": null, "queryModified": false, "updateFilters": false, "dataFields": [ "message_type", "customer", "date", "week", "clicks", "spam", "campaign_name", "message_type2" ], "dataFieldsTypes": { "message_type": "java.lang.String", "customer": "java.lang.String", "date": "java.util.Date", "week": "java.util.Date", "clicks": "java.lang.Integer", "spam": "java.lang.Integer", "campaign_name": "java.lang.String", "message_type2": "java.lang.String" }, "transientChartFilters": null, "typeModified": false, "lastSyncDate": 1560856775000, "viewOnly": false, "truncated": null, "processedName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19 2019-06-18T04:19:35", "processedDescription": "descr2 2019-06-18T04:19:35", "processedFootNote": "foot2 2019-06-18T04:19:35", "error": null, "widgetConfig": { "filters": [ { "fieldName": "clicks", "values": [ "1005" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description", } ], "defaultFilters": [ { "fieldName": "clicks", "values": [ "1005" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description", } ] }, "notDefaultFilter": false, "chartProperties": { "chart.historical_y_axis": "clicks", "chart.band_x_axis": "date", "widget.footnote": "foot2 $c9_DataLastUpdate_${date|yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}$", "chart.type": "band", "pivot.columnWidths": "{\"name\":296.75}", "pivot.sort": "{\"id\":\"name\",\"dir\":\"asc\"}", "chart.series.type": "time", "chartColor": "#89D4F5:clicks,#BCD759:spam,#FFBF00,#9961A7,#4891EA,#EE965B,#F284D1,#6FDBCB,#2D71C4,#EF5A5A,#609C29,#C69B06,#8A2299,#996D6C,#2F2F6C,#1C6C61", "chart.quickpickers": "0", "pivot.structure": "..." }, "xAxis": null, "yAxis": null, "dataJSONArr": [ { "name": "clicks", "id": "sendingActivity", "data": [ { "name": 1419926400000, "x": 1419926400000, "y": 3311 }, { "name": 1419926400000, "x": 1419926400000, "y": 7274 }, { "name": 1419926400000, "x": 1419926400000, "y": 28278 } ], "type": "line", "zIndex": "0", "zoneAxis": "x", "color": "#E61BCB", "legend_title": "Actual value" } ], "chartMarkers": null, "dataGroup": null, "gridBean": null, "xaxisJSONArr": null, "yaxisJSONArr": null, "filters": [ { "fieldName": "clicks", "values": [ "1005" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" } ], "widgetAccessLevel": -1, "chartPropertiesNullOrEmpty": false, "filterFieldDataTypes": { "bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "campaign_name": "java.lang.String", "clicks": "java.lang.Integer", "conversions": "java.lang.Integer", "customer": "java.lang.String", "date": "java.util.Date", "delivered": "java.lang.Integer", "id": "java.lang.String", "message_type": "java.lang.String", "opened": "java.lang.Integer", "sent": "java.lang.Integer", "spam": "java.lang.Integer", "week": "java.util.Date" }, "processedFilters": [ { "fieldName": "clicks", "values": [ "1005" ], "operator": "Greater than", "type": "java.lang.Integer", "enabled": true, "visible": true, "transientFilter": false, "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" } ], "live": true, "dataDisplayTypes": {}, "dbFields": [ "bounced", "campaign_name", ..., "week" ], "ignoreVals": [ "date", "conversions", ..., "customer" ], "widgetTypeStr": "chart", "filterFieldDataTypesIncludingNested": { "bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "campaign_name": "java.lang.String", ..., "week": "java.util.Date" } } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/10001
This endpoint is for generating and replace the existing widget share URL of a given widget id
POST /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/share/url
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id to generate share url |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "shareUrl": "Zar1OtKVb7iiiiV6Ufa8VJ25Wo3jvrPI1aySdisvceplMEie?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22Customer%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Facebook%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D" } Note: To construct the full url, prepend /w/ and the ?shareUrl" to the host name and port. For example: http://localhost:9090/w/Zar1OtKVb7iiiiV6Ufa8VJ25Wo3jvrPI1aySdisvceplMEie?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22Customer%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Facebook%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/3528/share/url -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'contentFilters=[{"fieldName":"Customer","values":["Facebook"],"operator":"="}]'
This endpoint is for sharing the widget secure URL of a given widget id
POST /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/share/url/secure
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id to generate secure share url |
contentFilters | It is an array of filters, used to filter content for users on dashboards and widgets that defines the field name, Type of field, value of that field, and Operator.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string).
Example: [{"fieldName":"$c9_Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "secureShareUrl": "S0jBEWZ2WLNCCe8pXQYtTbip3zrq3oaM8iplCQDzEhpEkie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww==" } Note: To construct the full url, prepend /w-secure/ and the ?secureShareUrl" to the host name and port. For example: http://localhost:9090/w-secure/S0jBEWZ2WLNCCe8pXQYtTbip3zrq3oaM8iplCQDzEhpEkie/dnqPwU7UF61jmT+rgIft4aEY1kWQ1B1V4FWGoIGITmZGl___n3P859PnDoJlcSiov6CIWd___8Dpvl5JH74SIhJxww== |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -X POST -i http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/3528/share/url/secure -H 'Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'contentFilters=[{"fieldName":"Customer","values":["Facebook"],"operator":"="}]'
This endpoint returns info from where the widget is created, like in UI the Data Diagram for Widget. The output field queries at position [0] will be the source query used for widget creation.
GET /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/mapper
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id from which to get query mapper |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "datasetId": 15848, "datasetName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19", "datasetMetadata": { "fields": [ { "fieldName": "bounced", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "campaign_name", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "clicks", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "conversions", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "customer", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "date", "fieldType": "java.util.Date" }, { "fieldName": "delivered", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "id", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "message_type", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "opened", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "sent", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "spam", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "week", "fieldType": "java.util.Date" } ], "dataTypes": { "bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "campaign_name": "java.lang.String", "clicks": "java.lang.Integer", "conversions": "java.lang.Integer", "customer": "java.lang.String", "date": "java.util.Date", "delivered": "java.lang.Integer", "id": "java.lang.String", "message_type": "java.lang.String", "opened": "java.lang.Integer", "sent": "java.lang.Integer", "spam": "java.lang.Integer", "week": "java.util.Date" }, "fieldNames": [ "bounced", "campaign_name", "clicks", "conversions", "customer", "date", "delivered", "id", "message_type", "opened", "sent", "spam", "week" ] }, "queries": [ { "op": 0, "connectorSyncStatus": 0, "id": 2432, "entityName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19", "datasourceId": 0, "userId": 0, "customerId": 0, "status": 0, "triggerDatasetId": 0, "modelId": 0, "accessLevel": 1, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "scheduled": false, "direct": false, "directPush": false, "cacheDuration": 0, "datasetId": 0, "c9ExportDataset": 0, "my": false, "drafted": false, "triggered": false } ], "widgets": [ { "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": null, "id": 26560, "name": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19b", "userId": 0, "customerId": 0, "datasetId": 0, "type": 1, "description": null, "urlString": null, "access": 0, "refreshChartMillis": -1, "jsonConfig": null, "shareUrl": null, "accessLevel": 1, "dashboardAccessLevel": -1, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "urlShareWhitelistDomain": null, "filterSettings": null, "chartType": null, "alertCount": 0, "queryId": -1, "queryStr": null, "adhocQuery": null, "categories": null, "userExternalAuthId": 0, "userSso": false, "drilldown": false, "dataset": null, "position": { "chartId": 0, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 0, "row": 0, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 0, "size_x": 0, "size_y": 0 }, "associations": null, "queryModified": false, "updateFilters": false, "dataFields": [], "dataFieldsTypes": {}, "transientChartFilters": null, "typeModified": false, "lastSyncDate": null, "viewOnly": false, "truncated": null, "processedName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19b", "processedDescription": null, "processedFootNote": null, "error": null, "widgetConfig": null, "notDefaultFilter": false, "chartProperties": { "pivot.fitWidgetWidth": "false", "pivot.footer": "false", "pivot.singleRow": "false", "formatOptions": "{\"clicks\":[{\"mode\":\"number\",\"decimal\":\"2\",\"separator\":true}],\"opened\":[{\"mode\":\"number\",\"decimal\":\"\",\"separator\":true}],\"week\":[{\"mode\":\"date\",\"dateformat\":\"mm.dd.yyyy\"}]}", "chart.type": "pivot", "pivot.sort": "{\"id\":\"12/04/2014 11:00:00 MSK_'_12/10/2014 11:00:00 MSK_'_min_'_conversions\",\"dir\":\"desc\"}", "pivot.columnsSortOrder": "desc", "pivot.columnWidths": "{\"name\":270.25}", "pivot.config.access.viewers": "false", "pivot.autoCollapseRows": "false", "pivot.totalColumn": "false", "chart.quickpickers": "0", "pivot.structure": "{\"rows\":[\"customer\",\"message_type\"],\"columns\":[\"week\",\"date\"],\"values\":[{\"name\":\"clicks\",\"text\":\"clicks\",\"id\":1563138446510,\"operation\":[\"sum\"]},{\"name\":\"conversions\",\"text\":\"conversions\",\"id\":1563138446511,\"operation\":[\"min\"]}],\"filters\":[],\"columnSort\":{\"$default\":{\"dir\":\"desc\",\"_dir\":-1},\"week\":{\"dir\":\"desc\",\"_dir\":-1},\"date\":{\"dir\":\"desc\",\"_dir\":-1}}}" }, "filters": [], "widgetAccessLevel": 1, "chartPropertiesNullOrEmpty": false, "filterFieldDataTypes": {}, "processedFilters": [], "live": false, "dataDisplayTypes": {}, "dbFields": [], "ignoreVals": [], "widgetTypeStr": "chart", "filterFieldDataTypesIncludingNested": {}, "gridBean": null }, { "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": null, "id": 26559, "name": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19 $c9_DataLastUpdate_${date|yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss}$", "userId": 0, "customerId": 0, "datasetId": 0, "type": 1, "description": null, "urlString": null, "access": 0, "refreshChartMillis": -1, "jsonConfig": null, "shareUrl": null, "accessLevel": 1, "dashboardAccessLevel": -1, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "urlShareWhitelistDomain": null, "filterSettings": null, "chartType": null, "alertCount": 0, "queryId": -1, "queryStr": null, "adhocQuery": null, "categories": null, "userExternalAuthId": 0, "userSso": false, "drilldown": false, "dataset": null, "position": { "chartId": 0, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 0, "row": 0, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 0, "size_x": 0, "size_y": 0 }, "associations": null, "queryModified": false, "updateFilters": false, "dataFields": [], "dataFieldsTypes": {}, "transientChartFilters": null, "typeModified": false, "lastSyncDate": null, "viewOnly": false, "truncated": null, "processedName": "sendingActivity2019-06-18-11-19 $c9_DataLastUpdate_${date|yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss}$", "processedDescription": null, "processedFootNote": "foot2 $c9_DataLastUpdate_${date|yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss}$", "error": null, "widgetConfig": null, "notDefaultFilter": false, "chartProperties": { "chart.historical_y_axis": "clicks", "chart.band_x_axis": "date", "widget.footnote": "foot2 $c9_DataLastUpdate_${date|yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss}$", "chart.type": "band", "pivot.columnWidths": "{\"name\":296.75}", "pivot.sort": "{\"id\":\"name\",\"dir\":\"asc\"}", "chartColor": "#89D4F5:clicks,#BCD759:spam,#FFBF00,#9961A7,#4891EA,#EE965B,#F284D1,#6FDBCB,#2D71C4,#EF5A5A,#609C29,#C69B06,#8A2299,#996D6C,#2F2F6C,#1C6C61", "chart.quickpickers": "0", "pivot.structure": "{\"rows\":[\"customer\",\"message_type\",\"campaign_name\"],\"columns\":[\"week\",\"date\"],\"values\":[{\"name\":\"clicks\",\"text\":\"clicks\",\"id\":1560849374643,\"operation\":[\"sum\"]},{\"name\":\"spam\",\"text\":\"spam\",\"id\":1560849374644,\"operation\":[\"sum\"]}],\"filters\":[{\"name\":\"campaign_name\",\"text\":\"campaign_name\",\"type\":\"select\",\"id\":1560849374645}],\"columnSort\":{\"$default\":{\"dir\":\"asc\",\"_dir\":1},\"date\":{\"dir\":\"asc\",\"_dir\":1},\"week\":{\"dir\":\"asc\",\"_dir\":1}}}", "d3.sankey.array": "[{\"from\":\"week\",\"to\":\"clicks\",\"value\":\"spam\"},{\"from\":\"customer\",\"to\":\"date\",\"value\":\"campaign_name\"}]" }, "filters": [], "widgetAccessLevel": 1, "chartPropertiesNullOrEmpty": false, "filterFieldDataTypes": {}, "processedFilters": [], "live": false, "dataDisplayTypes": {}, "dbFields": [], "ignoreVals": [ "date", "campaign_name", "week", "clicks", "message_type", "spam", "message_type2", "customer" ], "widgetTypeStr": "chart", "filterFieldDataTypesIncludingNested": {}, "gridBean": null } ], "derivedQueries": [], "sourceDatasets": [] } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/26559/mapper
This endpoint is for sharing the widget to users and groups of a given widget id
PUT /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id of Widget to share |
ssoUser | Optional bool. Set to `true` if sharing to sso user |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]" }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\" } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/110643/share
This endpoint is for creating a new widget
POST /api/1.0/widgets/
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
datasetId | Id of Dataset to use to create Widget |
widgetName | (String) Widget name |
widgetType | Optional integer. Widget type. It is works togeter with "chart.type" parameter inside chartProperties to set actual chart kind. |
chartProperties | Optional string. JSON with all chart properties. To get an example of this JSON you can get example of your chart properties from your existing widget (using Get Widget Details command), which contains chartProperties field. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created Widget json info (same as "Get widget" command). Output example:
{ "id":25901, "name":"test5", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "datasetId":15150, "type":2, "description":null, "urlString":"02SscJ", "access":0, "refreshChartMillis":-1, "createdDate":1492282355000, "jsonConfig":null, "queryId":-1, "queryStr":null, "adhocQuery":null, "category":"All", "drilldown":false, "dataset":{ "createdDate":1492282355000, "lastModDate":1492282355000, "id":15150, "metadataConfig":"{\"fieldNames\":[\"id_0\",\"id\",\"geometry\",\"properties\"],\"dataTypes\":{\"id_0\":\"java.lang.String\",\"id\":\"java.lang.String\",\"geometry\":\"java.util.Map\",\"properties\":\"java.util.Map\"}}", "mongoId":null, "mongoConnectUri":"localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId":1033, "datasetName":"test5", "identifier":null, "userId":0, "customer":null, "metaData":{ "fieldNames":[ "id_0", "id", "geometry", "properties" ], "dataTypes":{ "id_0":"java.lang.String", "id":"java.lang.String", "geometry":"java.util.Map", "properties":"java.util.Map" } } }, "position":{ "chartId":25901, "width":-1, "height":-1, "originalScreenWidth":-1, "originalScreenHeight":-1, "col":1, "row":13, "id":25901, "xpos":0, "ypos":0, "size_x":12, "size_y":12 }, "associations":null, "queryModified":false, "updateFilters":false, "dataFields":[ ], "transientChartFilters":null, "typeModified":false, "lastSyncDate":1492282355000, "viewOnly":false, "truncated":false, "processedName":"test5", "widgetConfig":null, "chartProperties":{ "chart.type":"datagrid" }, "statusIndColumns":[ ], "gridBean":null, "dataRow":null, "text":"", "colNames":null, "dataRows":null, "live":false, "filters":null, "widgetType":"DATA_GRID", "macros":null, "dbFields":[ ], "widgetTypeStr":"datagrid", "filterFieldDataTypes":{ "geometry":"java.util.Map", "id":"java.lang.String", "id_0":"java.lang.String", "properties":"java.util.Map" }, "allFilters":[ ], "processedFilters":[ ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"datasetId\":15134,\"widgetName\":\"newWidgetName1\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets
This endpoint is for deleting a widget of a given widget id
DELETE /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/25902
This endpoint is for updating/modifying a widget of a given widget id
PUT /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id of Widget to edit |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
widgetName | Optional string. Widget name |
widgetType | Optional integer. Widget type. It is works togeter with "chart.type" parameter inside chartProperties to set actual chart kind. |
chartProperties | Optional string. JSON with all chart properties. To get an example of this JSON you can get example of your chart properties from your existing widget (using Get Widget Details command), which contains chartProperties field. |
filters | Optional JSON array with filters to set to widget |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return edited Widget json info (same as "Get Widget" command). Output example:
{ "id":25901, "name":"test5", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "datasetId":15150, "type":2, "description":null, "urlString":"02SscJ", "access":0, "refreshChartMillis":-1, "createdDate":1492282355000, "jsonConfig":null, "queryId":-1, "queryStr":null, "adhocQuery":null, "category":"All", "drilldown":false, "dataset":{ "createdDate":1492282355000, "lastModDate":1492282355000, "id":15150, "metadataConfig":"{\"fieldNames\":[\"id_0\",\"id\",\"geometry\",\"properties\"],\"dataTypes\":{\"id_0\":\"java.lang.String\",\"id\":\"java.lang.String\",\"geometry\":\"java.util.Map\",\"properties\":\"java.util.Map\"}}", "mongoId":null, "mongoConnectUri":"localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId":1033, "datasetName":"test5", "identifier":null, "userId":0, "customer":null, "metaData":{ "fieldNames":[ "id_0", "id", "geometry", "properties" ], "dataTypes":{ "id_0":"java.lang.String", "id":"java.lang.String", "geometry":"java.util.Map", "properties":"java.util.Map" } } }, "position":{ "chartId":25901, "width":-1, "height":-1, "originalScreenWidth":-1, "originalScreenHeight":-1, "col":1, "row":13, "id":25901, "xpos":0, "ypos":0, "size_x":12, "size_y":12 }, "associations":null, "queryModified":false, "updateFilters":false, "dataFields":[ ], "transientChartFilters":null, "typeModified":false, "lastSyncDate":1492282355000, "viewOnly":false, "truncated":false, "processedName":"test5", "widgetConfig":null, "chartProperties":{ "chart.type":"datagrid" }, "statusIndColumns":[ ], "gridBean":null, "dataRow":null, "text":"", "colNames":null, "dataRows":null, "live":false, "filters":null, "widgetType":"DATA_GRID", "macros":null, "dbFields":[ ], "widgetTypeStr":"datagrid", "filterFieldDataTypes":{ "geometry":"java.util.Map", "id":"java.lang.String", "id_0":"java.lang.String", "properties":"java.util.Map" }, "allFilters":[ ], "processedFilters":[ ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"widgetName\":\"updatedWidgetName1\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/123
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"chartProperties\":{\"chart.type\":\"datagrid2\",\"font.size\":\"25\",\"grid.resetColumnWidth\":\"false\",\"grid.collapsible\":\"false\",\"chart.quickpickers\":\"0\"}}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/123
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HEREISYOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"filters":[{"fieldName":"Bounced","values":["8888"],"operator":"Equals","type":"java.lang.Integer","enabled":true,"visible":true,"transientFilter":false,"fieldType":"java.lang.Integer"}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/26908
This endpoint is for removing the user filters and set default filters of a given widget id
GET /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/filter/reset
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id in which to reset user filters to defaault filters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example: Output Widget entity with updated filters |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/26559/filter/reset
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the default filters for a widget of a given widget id
PUT /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/filter/default
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id in which to update default filters |
PUT JSON payload:
To get all varity of input parameters, please create filter in UI first, and then get/list it with another endpoint to investigate possible inputs. It may be changed in future versions.
Example: {"filters":[{"fieldName":"clicks","visible":true,"transientFilter":false,"values":["1005"],"type":"java.lang.Integer","fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","operator":"Greater than","enabled":true, "label": "Filter Label", "description": "Filter Description",}]} |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output the widget with updated default filters> |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"filters":[{"fieldName":"clicks","visible":true,"transientFilter":false,"values":["1005"],"type":"java.lang.Integer","fieldType":"java.lang.Integer","operator":"Greater than","enabled":true}]}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/26559/filter/default
This Endpoint is for cloning/copying a widget of a given widget id
POST /api/1.0/widgets/<objectIdToClone>
Parameter | Comments |
objectIdToClone | Widget id of Widget to clone |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
widgetName | New (cloned) Name of Widget |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return cloned Widget json info (same as "Get Widget" command). Output example:
{ "id":25901, "name":"test5", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "datasetId":15150, "type":2, "description":null, "urlString":"02SscJ", "access":0, "refreshChartMillis":-1, "createdDate":1492282355000, "jsonConfig":null, "queryId":-1, "queryStr":null, "adhocQuery":null, "category":"All", "drilldown":false, "dataset":{ "createdDate":1492282355000, "lastModDate":1492282355000, "id":15150, "metadataConfig":"{\"fieldNames\":[\"id_0\",\"id\",\"geometry\",\"properties\"],\"dataTypes\":{\"id_0\":\"java.lang.String\",\"id\":\"java.lang.String\",\"geometry\":\"java.util.Map\",\"properties\":\"java.util.Map\"}}", "mongoId":null, "mongoConnectUri":"localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId":1033, "datasetName":"test5", "identifier":null, "userId":0, "customer":null, "metaData":{ "fieldNames":[ "id_0", "id", "geometry", "properties" ], "dataTypes":{ "id_0":"java.lang.String", "id":"java.lang.String", "geometry":"java.util.Map", "properties":"java.util.Map" } } }, "position":{ "chartId":25901, "width":-1, "height":-1, "originalScreenWidth":-1, "originalScreenHeight":-1, "col":1, "row":13, "id":25901, "xpos":0, "ypos":0, "size_x":12, "size_y":12 }, "associations":null, "queryModified":false, "updateFilters":false, "dataFields":[ ], "transientChartFilters":null, "typeModified":false, "lastSyncDate":1492282355000, "viewOnly":false, "truncated":false, "processedName":"test5", "widgetConfig":null, "chartProperties":{ "chart.type":"datagrid" }, "statusIndColumns":[ ], "gridBean":null, "dataRow":null, "text":"", "colNames":null, "dataRows":null, "live":false, "filters":null, "widgetType":"DATA_GRID", "macros":null, "dbFields":[ ], "widgetTypeStr":"datagrid", "filterFieldDataTypes":{ "geometry":"java.util.Map", "id":"java.lang.String", "id_0":"java.lang.String", "properties":"java.util.Map" }, "allFilters":[ ], "processedFilters":[ ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"widgetName\":\"clonedWidgetName1\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/12345
This endpoint is for exporting the PDF file format of a widget of a given widget id
GET /api/1.0/widgets/<objectId>/export/pdf?contentFilters={content_filters}
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Widget id to export to PDF |
contentFilters | The contentFilter is a JSON array of the field name, value, and operator of filters to be applied to the widget, which allows using of the same widget as a kind of template and generates different PDF exported report files with a different set of filters.
It is optional (can be skipped or set to empty string)
Example: [{"fieldName": "page", "values":["Products"], "operator":"="}]Available Operators for Content Filters: "Greater than" (>), "Greater than or equals" (>=), "Less than" (<), "Less than or equals" (<=), "Not Equals" (!=), "Equals" (=), "Contains", "Does Not Contain", "Range", "like", "not like", "in", "not in", "regexp", "is null", and "is not null" Note: All operators are applied to all field types, it depends on the field type for which operator they are required and some operators may not be applied. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
Pdf binary content. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" "http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/10001/export/pdf?contentFilters=%5B%7B%22fieldName%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22values%22%3A%5B%22Products%22%5D%2C%22operator%22%3A%22%3D%22%7D%5D" > file1.pdf
This endpoint returns a listing of all reports
GET /api/1.0/reports
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list": [ { "createdDate": 1648071581000, "lastModDate": null, "id": 72, "scheduleId": 95, "userId": 10077, "status": 1, "name": "rep2022-03-22-17-11", "text": "Email report |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports
This endpoint returns report details for a given report id
GET /api/1.0/reports/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Report id to view Report |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": 1648071581000, "lastModDate": null, "id": 72, "scheduleId": 95, "userId": 10077, "status": 1, "name": "rep2022-03-22-17-11", "text": "Email report |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports/70
This endpoint is for creating a new report
POST /api/1.0/reports/
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
Sample with "Run As" (reportAs field is id of other user), and with content filters (reportContentFilters field).
{ "startTime": null, "frequency": 1, "frequencyType": "days", "subject": "subj1", "name": "rep2022-03-22-17-11", "text": "Email report |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output created entity |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"startTime":null,"frequency":1,"frequencyType":"days","subject":"subj1","name":"rep2022-03-22-17-11","text":"<span>Email report</span><br><br>Knowi Team<br>[email protected]","from":null,"sendTo":"[email protected]","cc":null,"bcc":null,"dashIds":[111012],"datasets":"[]","reportAs":10222,"scheduleId":90,"reportContentFilters":"[{\"fieldName\":\"param1\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val1\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"},{\"fieldName\":\"param2\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val2\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"}]","webhooks":[],"slacks":[],"teams":[],"executionReport":null,"nlpQuery":null,"contextPath":null,"nlpDatasetId":null,"datasetReports":null,"reportContentFiltersArr":null,"dashboards":null,"testRun":false}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the reports
PUT /api/1.0/reports
No parameters |
PUT JSON payload:
Sample with "Run As" (reportAs field is id of other user), and with content filters (reportContentFilters field).
Note that id of email report is within POST data as json field "emailReportId". { "emailReportId": 68, "startTime": null, "frequency": 1, "frequencyType": "days", "subject": "subj1", "name": "rep1", "text": "Email report |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output edited entity |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"emailReportId":68,"startTime":null,"frequency":1,"frequencyType":"days","subject":"subj1","name":"rep1","text":"<span>Email report</span><br><br>Knowi Team<br>[email protected]","from":null,"sendTo":"[email protected]","cc":null,"bcc":null,"dashIds":[111012],"datasets":"[]","reportAs":10222,"scheduleId":90,"reportContentFilters":"[{\"fieldName\":\"param1\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val1\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"},{\"fieldName\":\"param2\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val2\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"}]","webhooks":[],"slacks":[],"teams":[],"executionReport":null,"nlpQuery":null,"contextPath":null,"nlpDatasetId":null,"datasetReports":null,"reportContentFiltersArr":null,"dashboards":null,"testRun":false}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports
This endpoint is for running all the reports
POST /api/1.0/reports/run
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
Sample with "Run As" (reportAs field is id of other user), and with content filters (reportContentFilters field).
{ "subject": "subj1", "name": "rep2022-11-22-15-54", "text": "Email report |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output created entity |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"subject":"subj1","name":"rep2022-11-22-15-54","text":"<span>Email report</span><br><br>Knowi Team<br>[email protected]","from":null,"sendTo":"[email protected]","cc":null,"bcc":null,"dashIds":[111012],"datasets":"[]","reportAs":10222,"scheduleId":90,"reportContentFilters":"[{\"fieldName\":\"param1\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val1\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"},{\"fieldName\":\"param2\",\"type\":\"java.lang.String\",\"values\":[\"val2\"],\"operator\":\"Equals\"}]","webhooks":[],"slacks":[],"teams":[],"executionReport":null,"nlpQuery":null,"contextPath":null,"nlpDatasetId":null,"datasetReports":null,"reportContentFiltersArr":null,"dashboards":null}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports/run
This endpoint is for sharing the reports with users and groups of a given report id
PUT /reports/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Report id to share |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]", "ssoUser": true }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\", \"ssoUser\" : true } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports/70/share
This endpoint for deleting the report of a given id
DELETE /reports/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Report id to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/reports/68
This endpoint returns a listing of all alerts
GET /api/1.0/alerts
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{[ { "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": 1648134840000, "id": 242, "datasetId": 16170, "lastAlert": null, "sendToOld": null, "userId": 10077, "alertCondition": "select * where Sent > 100", "dataset": { "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": null, "id": 16170, "metadataConfig": null, "lastUpdateDate": null, "mongoId": null, "mongoConnectUri": null, "customerId": 0, "datasetName": "test2022-02-01-19-35__3", "identifier": null, "userId": 0, "refreshMeta": false, "injectStreamTime": false, "nlpEnabled": true, "nlpBotEnabled": true, "nlpConfig": null, "customer": null, "metaData": null, "direct": false }, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": 4, "lastDataMeta": null, "accessLevel": 1, "scheduleId": 105, "schedule": { "frequencyType": "minute", "frequency": 15, "startTime": null, "cronConfig": "*/15 * * * *", "id": 105, "type": 0, "host": null, "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": null, "sync": 0, "nextExecutionEpoch": 1648124040, "nextExecutionTime": 1648124040000 }, "realtime": true, "executionReport": null, "firedCount": 0, "createdBy": null, "deletable": true, "chartId": 26908, "lastDataMetaObj": null, "properties": { "classVersion": 2, "emailOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "from": "[email protected]", "sendTo": "[email protected]", "cc": "", "bcc": "", "emailSubject": "alert10", "emailBody": "Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%", "attachDataset": false, "attachResultsAfterCloud9ql": false }, "webhookOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "selectedWebhooks": [ 200 ] }, "configAttachment": false, "attachmentConfig": { "datasetId": null, "query": "" }, "alertIfNoData": false, "skipSameAlert": true, "attachAlertData": true, "frequencyMarker": "custom", "operator": ">", "metric": "Sent", "threshold": "100" } } ]} |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts
This endpoint returns the alerts of a given id
GET /api/1.0/reports/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Alert id to view Alert |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": 1648134840000, "id": 242, "datasetId": 16170, "lastAlert": null, "sendToOld": null, "userId": 10077, "alertCondition": "select * where Sent > 100", "dataset": { "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": null, "id": 16170, "metadataConfig": null, "lastUpdateDate": null, "mongoId": null, "mongoConnectUri": null, "customerId": 0, "datasetName": "test2022-02-01-19-35__3", "identifier": null, "userId": 0, "refreshMeta": false, "injectStreamTime": false, "nlpEnabled": true, "nlpBotEnabled": true, "nlpConfig": null, "customer": null, "metaData": null, "direct": false }, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": 4, "lastDataMeta": null, "accessLevel": 1, "scheduleId": 105, "schedule": { "frequencyType": "minute", "frequency": 15, "startTime": null, "cronConfig": "*/15 * * * *", "id": 105, "type": 0, "host": null, "createdDate": 1648134840000, "lastModDate": null, "sync": 0, "nextExecutionEpoch": 1648124040, "nextExecutionTime": 1648124040000 }, "realtime": true, "executionReport": null, "firedCount": 0, "createdBy": null, "deletable": true, "chartId": 26908, "lastDataMetaObj": null, "properties": { "classVersion": 2, "emailOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "from": "[email protected]", "sendTo": "[email protected]", "cc": "", "bcc": "", "emailSubject": "alert10", "emailBody": "Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%", "attachDataset": false, "attachResultsAfterCloud9ql": false }, "webhookOutput": { "classVersion": 1, "selectedWebhooks": [ 200 ] }, "configAttachment": false, "attachmentConfig": { "datasetId": null, "query": "" }, "alertIfNoData": false, "skipSameAlert": true, "attachAlertData": true, "frequencyMarker": "custom", "operator": ">", "metric": "Sent", "threshold": "100" } } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/232
There can be multiple different input options and is not possible to list all of them here. Please create alerts in UI and then read JSON with View or List endpoints to see alert structure and learn the options available.
POST /api/1.0/alerts/
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
Sample alert creation for widget alert with alert action as Email and Webhook:
{ "alertId": 0, "chartId": 26908, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": "4", "alertDatasetIds": [ 16170 ], "alertCondition": null, "jsonConfig": "{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false},\"webhookOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"selectedWebhooks\":[200]}}", "frequency": 15, "frequencyType": "minute", "startTime": null, "realtime": true, "drilldownChain": "26908" } Sample alert creation for dataset as trigger notification with action to Email: { "alertId": 0, "chartId": null, "alertName": "alertTrigger10", "alertType": "1", "alertDatasetIds": [ 16170 ], "alertCondition": "select * where sample > 100", "jsonConfig": "{\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":false,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"Subject\",\"from\":\"\",\"emailBody\":\"Dataset %DATASET_NAME% alert condition has been been triggered by query: |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Outputs the created Alert entity. |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
Sample alert creation for widget alert with alert action as Email and Webhook:
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"alertId":0,"chartId":26908,"alertName":"alert12","alertType":"4","alertDatasetIds":[16170],"alertCondition":null,"jsonConfig":"{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false},\"webhookOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"selectedWebhooks\":[200]}}","frequency":15,"frequencyType":"minute","startTime":null,"realtime":true,"drilldownChain":"26908"}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts
Sample alert creation for dataset as trigger notification with action to Email:
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"alertId":0,"chartId":null,"alertName":"alertTrigger10","alertType":"1","alertDatasetIds":[16170],"alertCondition":"select * where sample > 100","jsonConfig":"{\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":false,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"Subject\",\"from\":\"\",\"emailBody\":\"Dataset %DATASET_NAME% alert condition has been been triggered by query:<br>\\n<span style=\\\"padding-left:25px;font-style: italic;\\\">%ALERT_CONDITION%</span><br>\\n<br>\\nKnowi Team<br>\\[email protected]\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false}}","frequency":100,"frequencyType":"minute","startTime":"03/24/2022 10:52+03:00","realtime":false,"drilldownChain":null}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the alerts
PUT /api/1.0/alerts
No parameters |
PUT JSON payload:
Sample dataset trigger alert edit:.
Note that id of alert to edit is within POST data as json field "alertId". { "alertId": 232, "chartId": null, "alertName": "alertTrigger13b", "alertType": "1", "alertDatasetIds": [ 16170 ], "alertCondition": "select * where sample > 100", "jsonConfig": "{\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":false,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"Subject\",\"from\":\"\",\"emailBody\":\"Dataset %DATASET_NAME% alert condition has been been triggered by query: |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
Output edited entity. |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
Sample dataset trigger alert edit:
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"alertId":232,"chartId":null,"alertName":"alertTrigger13b","alertType":"1","alertDatasetIds":[16170],"alertCondition":"select * where sample > 100","jsonConfig":"{\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":false,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"Subject\",\"from\":\"\",\"emailBody\":\"Dataset %DATASET_NAME% alert condition has been been triggered by query:<br>\\n<span style=\\\"padding-left:25px;font-style: italic;\\\">%ALERT_CONDITION%</span><br>\\n<br>\\nKnowi Team<br>\\[email protected]\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false}}","frequency":100,"frequencyType":"minute","startTime":"03/24/2022 10:52+03:00","realtime":false,"drilldownChain":null}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts
This endpoint is for sharing the alerts with users and groups of a given alert id
PUT /alerts/lt;objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Alert id to share |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]", "ssoUser": true }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HEREISYOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\", \"ssoUser\" : true } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/232/share
This endpoint is for deleting a alert of a given alert id
DELETE /alerts/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Alert id to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/232
Run the alert (provided as input json, not via ID) as a test with executing alert actions. Useful to check alert before creating (saving) it.
POST /api/1.0/alerts/test
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
Sample alert creation for widget alert with alert action as Email and Webhook:
{ "alertId": 240, "chartId": 26908, "alertName": "alert12", "alertType": "4", "alertDatasetIds": [ 16170 ], "alertCondition": null, "jsonConfig": "{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false},\"webhookOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"selectedWebhooks\":[200]}}", "frequency": 15, "frequencyType": "minute", "startTime": null, "realtime": true, "drilldownChain": "26908" } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output contains JSON with details of alert test, including alert actions status.
Output example: {"executionDate":1648110509606,"executionStatus":"ALERT","duration":723,"details":[{"ok":true,"channel":"EMAIL","error":"Sent"},{"ok":false,"channel":"WEBHOOK","error":"Unable to execute webhook url due to unexpected error, please contact the administrator."}]}In this example output the email sent fine, the webhook failed. |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
Sample: run alert and send to email and webhook.
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"alertId":240,"chartId":26908,"alertName":"alert12","alertType":"4","alertDatasetIds":[16170],"alertCondition":null,"jsonConfig":"{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false},\"webhookOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"selectedWebhooks\":[200]}}","frequency":15,"frequencyType":"minute","startTime":null,"realtime":true,"drilldownChain":"26908"}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/test
Applicable only for anomaly detection widget alert type.
Output the temporary widget bean with properties and with preview data for alert.
POST /api/1.0/alerts/preview/widget
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
Sample input:
{ "alertId": 234, "chartId": 26908, "alertName": "alert10", "alertType": "5", "alertDatasetIds": [ 16170 ], "alertCondition": null, "jsonConfig": "{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"dateTime\":\"Week\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false}}", "frequency": 15, "frequencyType": "minute", "startTime": null, "realtime": true, "drilldownChain": "26908" } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": null, "lastModDate": null, "id": -1, "name": "Polynomial Regression Model", "userId": 0, "customerId": 0, "datasetId": 0, "type": 1, "description": null, "urlString": null, "access": 0, "refreshChartMillis": -1, "jsonConfig": null, "shareUrl": null, "accessLevel": -1, "dashboardAccessLevel": -1, "categoryAccessLevel": -1, "autoShared": false, "urlShareWhitelistDomain": null, "filterSettings": null, "chartType": null, "alertCount": 0, "queryId": -1, "queryStr": null, "adhocQuery": null, "categories": null, "userExternalAuthId": 0, "userSso": false, "drilldown": false, "dataset": null, "position": { "chartId": 0, "width": 500, "height": 400, "originalScreenWidth": 0, "originalScreenHeight": 0, "col": 0, "row": 0, "ypos": 0, "xpos": 0, "id": 0, "size_x": 0, "size_y": 0 }, "associations": null, "queryModified": false, "updateFilters": false, "dataFields": [ "id", "Sent", "message_type", "Customer", "Week", "Date", "Opened", "Spam", "Bounced", "Delivered", "Clicks", "Conversions", "Campaign_name" ], "dataFieldsTypes": { "id": "java.lang.Integer", "Sent": "java.lang.Integer", "message_type": "java.lang.String", "Customer": "java.lang.String", "Week": "java.util.Date", "Date": "java.util.Date", "Opened": "java.lang.Integer", "Spam": "java.lang.Integer", "Bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "Delivered": "java.lang.Integer", "Clicks": "java.lang.Integer", "Conversions": "java.lang.Integer", "Campaign_name": "java.lang.String" }, "transientChartFilters": null, "typeModified": false, "lastSyncDate": null, "viewOnly": false, "truncated": null, "processedName": "Polynomial Regression Model", "processedDescription": null, "processedFootNote": null, "error": null, "widgetConfig": null, "notDefaultFilter": false, "chartProperties": { "chart.type": "anomaly", "chart.anomaly.dimension": "", "chart.anomaly.threshold": "100", "chart.anomaly.algorithm": "Polynomial Regression Model", "chart.xAxis.column": "Week", "": "Sent" }, "xAxis": null, "yAxis": null, "dataJSONArr": [ { "name": "Sent", "id": "Sent", "data": [ { "name": 1423382400000, "x": 1423382400000, "y": 1682348 }, { "name": 1423987200000, "x": 1423987200000, "y": 33593964 }, { "name": 1424592000000, "x": 1424592000000, "y": 2753792 } ], "type": "line", "zIndex": "0", "zoneAxis": "x", "color": "#E61BCB", "chart.anomaly.dimension": null }, { "name": "Boundaries", "id": "Boundaries", "data": [ { "name": 1423382400000, "x": 1423382400000, "low": 0, "high": 3364696 }, { "name": 1423987200000, "x": 1423987200000, "low": 0, "high": 67187928 }, { "name": 1424592000000, "x": 1424592000000, "low": 0, "high": 5507584 } ], "type": "arearange", "zIndex": "1", "lineWidth": "0", "linkedTo": "previous", "fillOpacity": "0.12", "color": "#FF8682", "chart.anomaly.dimension": null } ], "chartMarkers": null, "dataGroup": null, "gridBean": null, "xaxisJSONArr": null, "yaxisJSONArr": null, "filters": [], "widgetAccessLevel": -1, "chartPropertiesNullOrEmpty": false, "filterFieldDataTypes": {}, "processedFilters": [], "live": false, "dataDisplayTypes": {}, "dbFields": [ "id", "Sent", "message_type", "Customer", "Week", "Date", "Opened", "Spam", "Bounced", "Delivered", "Clicks", "Conversions", "Campaign_name" ], "ignoreVals": [ "id", "Sent", "message_type", "Customer", "Week", "Date", "Opened", "Spam", "Bounced", "Delivered", "Clicks", "Conversions", "Campaign_name" ], "widgetTypeStr": "chart", "filterFieldDataTypesIncludingNested": {} } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"alertId":234,"chartId":26908,"alertName":"alert10","alertType":"5","alertDatasetIds":[16170],"alertCondition":null,"jsonConfig":"{\"operator\":\">\",\"metric\":\"Sent\",\"dateTime\":\"Week\",\"threshold\":\"100\",\"classVersion\":2,\"frequencyMarker\":\"custom\",\"alertIfNoData\":false,\"skipSameAlert\":true,\"configAttachment\":false,\"attachmentConfig\":{\"datasetId\":null,\"query\":\"\"},\"attachAlertData\":true,\"emailOutput\":{\"classVersion\":1,\"from\":\"[email protected]\",\"sendTo\":\"[email protected]\",\"cc\":\"\",\"bcc\":\"\",\"emailSubject\":\"alert10\",\"emailBody\":\"Alert triggered: %ALERT_HUMAN_READABLE_CONDITION%\",\"attachDataset\":false,\"attachResultsAfterCloud9ql\":false}}","frequency":15,"frequencyType":"minute","startTime":null,"realtime":true,"drilldownChain":"26908"}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/preview/widget
This endpoint returns the preview of a alert data of a given alert id
POST /api/1.0/alerts/lt;objectId>/preview/data
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Alert id to preview the data |
POST JSON payload:
Contains additional parameters (the c9QL and datasetId).
Sample input: {"c9QL":"select * where Sent > 100","datasetId":16170} |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "jsonRows": [ { "Sent": 255621, "message_type": "Transactional", "Customer": "Facebook", "Week": "02/27/2015 00:00:00 PST", "Date": "01/28/2015 16:29:00 PST", "Opened": 65935, "Spam": 602, "Bounced": 15242, "Delivered": 237103, "Clicks": 16073, "Conversions": 3121, "Campaign_name": "Trial", "id ": 81754, "id": 1 }, { "Sent": 235279, "message_type": "Transactional", "Customer": "Target", "Week": "02/27/2015 00:00:00 PST", "Date": "02/28/2015 16:29:00 PST", "Opened": 51505, "Spam": 564, "Bounced": 12779, "Delivered": 210054, "Clicks": 13115, "Conversions": 2569, "Campaign_name": "Newsletter", "id ": 81755, "id": 2 } ] } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"c9QL":"select * where Sent > 100","datasetId":16170}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/242/preview/data
This endpoint returns the status and history of a given triggering alert id
GET /api/1.0/alerts/<objectId>/status
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Alert id to view status |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
[ { "executionDate": 1648114321000, "executionStatus": "ALERT", "duration": 55, "details": [ { "ok": true, "channel": "EMAIL", "error": "Sent" } ] }, { "executionDate": 1648120329000, "executionStatus": "ALERT", "duration": 32, "details": [ { "ok": true, "channel": "EMAIL", "error": "Sent" } ] } ] |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/alerts/239/status
Actions can be used in Alerts and Email Reports.
NOTE: In the ManagementAPI creation and edit of Slack and Teams actions is not supported. Please use UI for that and then List that actions to get id and use to create/edit Alerts and Email Reports.
Output list of actions for specified type. Type (the last path parameter) can be either webhook, slack or teams.
GET /api/1.0/action/<actionType>
Parameter | Comments |
actionType | Type of actions to list. Possible values: webhook, slack or teams. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list": [ { "createdDate": 1490490365000, "lastModDate": 1490524068000, "id": 157, "userId": 10077, "actionType": "WEBHOOK", "jsonConfig": "{\"classVersion\":1,\"url\":\"url1z\",\"authUrl\":\"\",\"authHeaders\":\"\",\"webhookHeaders\":\"\",\"name\":\"name1\"}", "classVersion": 1, "url": "url1z", "authUrl": "", "authHeaders": "", "webhookHeaders": "", "name": "name1" } ] } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/action/webhook
This endpoint is for creating a new webhook
POST /api/1.0/action/webhook
No parameters |
POST JSON payload:
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output created entity |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"classVersion":1,"url":"","authUrl":"http://auth","authHeaders":"","webhookHeaders":"header1:val1","name":"name1"}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/action/webhook
This Endpoint is for updating/modifying a webhook of a given webhook id
PUT /api/1.0/action/lt;actionType>/lt;objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
actionType | Type of action to edit. Possible values: webhook, slack or teams. |
objectId | Action id to edit |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output edited entity |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"classVersion":1,"url":"","authUrl":"http://auth","authHeaders":"","webhookHeaders":"header1:val1","name":"name1"}' http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/action/webhook/202
This endpoint is for returning a listing of all the datasources
GET /api/1.0/datasources
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "createdDate":1492025827000, "lastModDate":1492060895000, "strId":"hXlIbZ", "op":2, "connectorAssignee":null, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "lastSyncDate":null, "connector":null, "id":3144, "name":"\"someName\"", "datasource":"mongo", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "connectorId":1, "accessLevel":1 } ] }NOTE: from entity output excluded the "jsonConfig" field. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources
This endpoint is for returning a datasource of a given datasource id
GET /api/1.0/datasources/<datasourceId>
Parameter | Comments |
datasourceId | Datasource ID to view |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492025827000, "lastModDate":1492060895000, "strId":"hXlIbZ", "op":2, "connectorAssignee":null, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "lastSyncDate":null, "connector":null, "id":3144, "name":"\"someName\"", "datasource":"mongo", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "connectorId":1, "accessLevel":1 }NOTE: from entity output excluded the "jsonConfig" field. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources/123
This endpoint is for creating a new datasource
POST /api/1.0/datasources/
POST JSON payload.
Subfield | Type | Description |
name | String | Datasource name |
datasource | String | Datasource type: bigquery, cloud9charts, cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, ga, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, omniture, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, salesforce, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata |
privateConnector | Number | ID of private connector (only if "privateDatasource" field is set to true) |
privateDatasource | Boolean | true if this datasource is using private connector; false otherwise |
tunnelAddress | String | SSH tunnel connect string in the form of cloud9@<tunnel-host>:@<tunnel-port> |
Standard datasource properties | ||
dataverse | String | (couchbase) Dataverse which should only be set for Couchbase Analytics |
dbName | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, hana, hive, influxdb, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database, Bucket, or Keyspace name |
dbProperties | String | (datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver) Database specific properties in datasource specific format such as headers, query string, etc |
host | String | (couchbase, datastax, hana, hive, influxdb, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database host(s) |
password | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) User password |
port | Number | (datastax, hana, hive, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database port |
url | String | (cloudant, elasticsearch, logsene, restapi) Database URL |
userId | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) User ID |
schema | String | (hana, hive, mysql, oracle, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Schema name |
warehouse | String | (snowflake) Snowflake warehouse |
OAuth datasource properties | ||
authRefreshToken | String | (bigquery, ga, salesforce) OAuth refresh token |
authToken | String | (bigquery, ga, salesforce) OAuth token |
projectId | String | (bigquery) Project ID |
gaProfileID | String | (ga) Google analytic profile ID |
sfInstanceURL | String | (salesforce) Salesforce instance URL |
Other datasource properties | ||
authHeaders | String | (restapi) REST auth headers |
authEndPoint | String | (restapi) REST auth endpoint |
authPostPayload | String | (restapi) REST auth POST payload |
authUrlParams | String | (restapi) REST URL |
{ "name":"Mongo Database Test", "host":"", "port":10642, "dbName":"someDbName", "userId":"someUserId", "password":"somePwd12345", "dbProperties":"", "privateDatasource":false, "privateConnector":479, "tunnel":false, "tunnelAddress":"", "datasource":"mongo" }
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created Datasource json info (same as "Get Datasource" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492025827000, "lastModDate":1492060895000, "strId":"hXlIbZ", "op":2, "connectorAssignee":null, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "lastSyncDate":null, "connector":null, "id":3144, "name":"\"someName\"", "datasource":"mongo", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "connectorId":1, "accessLevel":1 }NOTE: from entity output excluded the "jsonConfig" field. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"Mongo Database Test\", \"host\":\"\", \"port\":10642, \"dbName\":\"someDbName\", \"userId\":\"someUserId\", \"password\":\"somePwd12345\", \"dbProperties\":\"\", \"privateDatasource\": false, \"privateConnector\":479, \"tunnel\":false, \"tunnelAddress\":\"\", \"datasource\":\"mongo\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources
This endpoint is for updating/modifying a datasource of a given datasource id
PUT /api/1.0/datasources/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | ID of Datasource to edit |
PUT JSON payload.
Subfield | Type | Description |
name | String | Datasource name |
datasource | String | Datasource type: bigquery, cloud9charts, cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, ga, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, omniture, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, salesforce, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata |
privateConnector | Number | ID of private connector (only if "privateDatasource" field is set to true) |
privateDatasource | Boolean | true if this datasource is using private connector; false otherwise |
tunnelAddress | String | SSH tunnel connect string in the form of cloud9@<tunnel-host>:@<tunnel-port> |
Standard datasource properties | ||
dataverse | String | (couchbase) Dataverse which should only be set for Couchbase Analytics |
dbName | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, hana, hive, influxdb, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database, Bucket, or Keyspace name |
dbProperties | String | (datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver) Database specific properties in datasource specific format such as headers, query string, etc |
host | String | (couchbase, datastax, hana, hive, influxdb, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database host(s) |
password | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) User password |
port | Number | (datastax, hana, hive, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Database port |
url | String | (cloudant, elasticsearch, logsene, restapi) Database URL |
userId | String | (cloudant, couchbase, datastax, elasticsearch, hana, hive, influxdb, logsene, marklogic, mongo, mysql, oracle, orientdb, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, restapi, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) User ID |
schema | String | (hana, hive, mysql, oracle, phoenix, postgresql, presto, redshift, snowflake, spark, sqlserver, teradata) Schema name |
warehouse | String | (snowflake) Snowflake warehouse |
OAuth datasource properties | ||
authRefreshToken | String | (bigquery, ga, salesforce) OAuth refresh token |
authToken | String | (bigquery, ga, salesforce) OAuth token |
projectId | String | (bigquery) Project ID |
gaProfileID | String | (ga) Google analytic profile ID |
sfInstanceURL | String | (salesforce) Salesforce instance URL |
Other datasource properties | ||
authHeaders | String | (restapi) REST auth headers |
authEndPoint | String | (restapi) REST auth endpoint |
authPostPayload | String | (restapi) REST auth POST payload |
authUrlParams | String | (restapi) REST URL |
{ "name":"Mongo Database Test", "host":"", "port":10642, "dbName":"someDbName", "userId":"someUserId", "password":"somePwd12345", "dbProperties":"", "privateDatasource":false, "privateConnector":479, "tunnel":false, "tunnelAddress":"", "datasource":"mongo" }
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return edited Datasource json info (same as "Get Datasource" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492025827000, "lastModDate":1492060895000, "strId":"hXlIbZ", "op":2, "connectorAssignee":null, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "lastSyncDate":null, "connector":null, "id":3144, "name":"\"someName\"", "datasource":"mongo", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "connectorId":1, "accessLevel":1 }NOTE: from entity output excluded the "jsonConfig" field. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"name\":\"Mongo Database Test\", \"host\":\"\", \"port\":10642, \"dbName\":\"someDbName\", \"userId\":\"someUserId\", \"password\":\"somePwd12345\", \"dbProperties\":\"\", \"privateDatasource\": false, \"privateConnector\":479, \"tunnel\":false, \"tunnelAddress\":\"\", \"datasource\":\"mongo\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources/123
This endpoint is for deleting a datasource of a given datasource id
DELETE /api/1.0/datasources/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Id of Datasource to delete |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources/123
This endpoint is for sharing the datasources with users and groups of a given datasource id
PUT /api/1.0/datasources/<objectId>/share
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Id of Datasource to share |
ssoUser | Optional bool. Set to `true` if sharing to sso user |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments | |||||||||||||||
shareProperties | JSON array of objects
[ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]" }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\":[ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\" } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources/110643/share
This endpoint is for cloning the datasource of a given datasource id
POST /api/1.0/datasources/<objectIdToClone>
Parameter | Comments |
objectIdToClone | Datasource id of Datasource to clone |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
datasourceName | New (cloned) Name of Datasource |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return cloned Datasource json info (same as "Get Datasource" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492025827000, "lastModDate":1492060895000, "strId":"hXlIbZ", "op":2, "connectorAssignee":null, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "lastSyncDate":null, "connector":null, "id":3144, "name":"\"someName\"", "datasource":"mongo", "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "connectorId":1, "accessLevel":1 }NOTE: from entity output excluded the "jsonConfig" field. |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"datasourceName\":\"newName\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasources/12345
This endpoint returns all the queries
GET /api/1.0/queries
Parameter | Comments |
byCategory | Optional parameter. Comma separated list of categories IDs to filter by. Multiple categories applied as OR operator. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "createdDate":1492400077000, "lastModDate":1492400077000, "jsonConfig":"{\n \"entityName\" : \"test123\",\n \"queryStr\" : \"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)\",\n \"datasourceId\" : 1427,\n \"discovery\" : {\n \"tableName\" : \"someTable\",\n \"limit\" : 10000\n },\n \"direct\" : false,\n \"triggered\" : false,\n \"overrideVals\" : {\n \"replaceAll\" : true\n }\n}", "strId":"pvH8wk", "op":1, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "id":2017, "entityName":"test123", "datasourceId":1427, "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "queryStr":"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)", "identifier":"kVrQip", "status":0, "triggerDatasetId":0, "discovery":{ "tableName":"someTable", "limit":10000 }, "accessLevel":1, "triggered":false } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries?byCategory=123,642
This endpoint returns the queries of a given query id
GET /api/1.0/queries/<queryId>?loadJoinDataSources=true
Parameter | Comments |
queryId | Query ID (integer) to view or Query Identifier (string) |
loadJoinDataSources | Optional query parameter. If set to true, then also joined Queries will be loaded associated with selected query/td> |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492400077000, "lastModDate":1492400077000, "lastUpdateDate":1538086002000, "jsonConfig":"{\n \"entityName\" : \"test123\",\n \"queryStr\" : \"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)\",\n \"datasourceId\" : 1427,\n \"discovery\" : {\n \"tableName\" : \"someTable\",\n \"limit\" : 10000\n },\n \"direct\" : false,\n \"triggered\" : false,\n \"overrideVals\" : {\n \"replaceAll\" : true\n }\n}", "strId":"pvH8wk", "op":1, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "id":2017, "entityName":"test123", "datasourceId":1427, "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "queryStr":"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)", "identifier":"kVrQip", "status":0, "triggerDatasetId":0, "discovery":{ "tableName":"someTable", "limit":10000 }, "accessLevel":1, "triggered":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/123
This endpoint is for creating a new query
POST /api/1.0/queries/
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
runNow | boolean -- True to save and run query | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties | JSON properties
{ "entityName":"test123", "queryStr":"db['someTable'].find().limit(10000)", "c9QLFilter":"", "datasourceId":1427, "datasource":"mongo", "dsName":"LocalMongo", "direct":false, "triggered":false, "overrideVals":"All" } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492400077000, "lastModDate":1492400077000, "jsonConfig":"{\n \"entityName\" : \"test123\",\n \"queryStr\" : \"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)\",\n \"datasourceId\" : 1427,\n \"discovery\" : {\n \"tableName\" : \"someTable\",\n \"limit\" : 10000\n },\n \"direct\" : false,\n \"triggered\" : false,\n \"overrideVals\" : {\n \"replaceAll\" : true\n }\n}", "strId":"pvH8wk", "op":1, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "id":2017, "entityName":"test123", "datasourceId":1427, "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "queryStr":"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)", "identifier":"kVrQip", "status":0, "triggerDatasetId":0, "discovery":{ "tableName":"someTable", "limit":10000 }, "accessLevel":1, "triggered":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"properties\":{\"entityName\":\"test123\", \"queryStr\":\"db['someTable'].find().limit(10000)\", \"c9QLFilter\":\"\", \"datasourceId\":1427, \"datasource\":\"mongo\", \"dsName\":\"LocalMongo\", \"direct\":false, \"triggered\":false, \"overrideVals\":\"All\"} }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries
This endpoint is for refreshing the queries of a given id
POST /api/1.0/queries/<queryId>/refreshQuery
Parameter | Comments |
queryId | ID of query to be refreshed |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X POST http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/20038/refreshQuery
This endpoint is for updating/modifying the query of a given query id
PUT /api/1.0/queries/<queryId>
Parameter | Comments |
queryId | ID of query to be edited |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties | JSON properties
{ "entityName":"test123", "queryStr":"db['someTable'].find().limit(10000)", "c9QLFilter":"", "datasourceId":1427, "datasource":"mongo", "dsName":"LocalMongo", "direct":false, "triggered":false, "overrideVals":"All" } |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492400077000, "lastModDate":1492400077000, "jsonConfig":"{\n \"entityName\" : \"test123\",\n \"queryStr\" : \"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)\",\n \"datasourceId\" : 1427,\n \"discovery\" : {\n \"tableName\" : \"someTable\",\n \"limit\" : 10000\n },\n \"direct\" : false,\n \"triggered\" : false,\n \"overrideVals\" : {\n \"replaceAll\" : true\n }\n}", "strId":"pvH8wk", "op":1, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "id":2017, "entityName":"test123", "datasourceId":1427, "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "queryStr":"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)", "identifier":"kVrQip", "status":0, "triggerDatasetId":0, "discovery":{ "tableName":"someTable", "limit":10000 }, "accessLevel":1, "triggered":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"properties\":{\"entityName\":\"test123\", \"queryStr\":\"db['someTable'].find().limit(10000)\", \"c9QLFilter\":\"\", \"datasourceId\":1427, \"datasource\":\"mongo\", \"dsName\":\"LocalMongo\", \"discovery\":{\"tableName\":\"someTable\", \"metrics\":[], \"dimensions\":[], \"sort\":[], \"limit\":10000, \"filters\":[], \"datasourceId\":1427, \"datasource\":\"mongo\", \"dsName\":\"LocalMongo\"}, \"direct\":false, \"triggered\":false, \"overrideVals\":\"All\"} }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/20050
This endpoint is for deleting a query of a given query id
DELETE /api/1.0/queries/<queryId>
Parameter | Type | Comments |
queryId | Integer | ID of query to be deleted |
removeWidgets | Boolean | Delete any associated widgets |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/20038
This endpoint is for sharing the queries with users and groups of a given query id
PUT /api/1.0/queries/<queryId>/query
Parameter | Comments |
queryId | Id of Query to edit |
ssoUser | Optional bool. Set to `true` if sharing to sso user |
JSON PUT payload:
Parameter | Comments | |||||||||||||||
shareProperties | JSON array of objects
[ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]" }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\": [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"accessLevel\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\" } ] }" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/105530
This endpoint is for cloning a query of a given query id
POST /api/1.0/queries/<objectIdToClone>
Parameter | Comments |
objectIdToClone | Query id of Query to clone |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
clonedQueryName | New (cloned) Name of Query |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return cloned Query json info (same as "Get Query" command). Output example:
{ "createdDate":1492400077000, "lastModDate":1492400077000, "jsonConfig":"{\n \"entityName\" : \"test123\",\n \"queryStr\" : \"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)\",\n \"datasourceId\" : 1427,\n \"discovery\" : {\n \"tableName\" : \"someTable\",\n \"limit\" : 10000\n },\n \"direct\" : false,\n \"triggered\" : false,\n \"overrideVals\" : {\n \"replaceAll\" : true\n }\n}", "strId":"pvH8wk", "op":1, "connectorSyncStatus":1, "id":2017, "entityName":"test123", "datasourceId":1427, "userId":10077, "customerId":1033, "queryStr":"db[someTable].find().limit(10000)", "identifier":"kVrQip", "status":0, "triggerDatasetId":0, "discovery":{ "tableName":"someTable", "limit":10000 }, "accessLevel":1, "triggered":false } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"clonedQueryName\":\"newName123\"}" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/queries/12345
This endpoint is for returning all the categories
GET /api/1.0/category?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories to list. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
withSharing | Optional, value (boolean) true/false. Default value is false. If true, then output will contain sharing information to which users and/or groups each category is shared |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "list":[ { "createdDate":null, "lastModDate":null, "userId":10077, "id":16, "parentId":0, "ownerUserName":"[email protected]", "accessLevel":1, "name":"name2" } ] } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" <Add the URL here>
This endpoint is for sharing the categories with users and groups of a given category id
PUT /api/1.0/category/<objectId>/share?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Category id of Category to share |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
shareProperties | Share properties json array. Available fields:
ssoUser | Optional bool. Set to `true` if sharing to sso user
Example: [ { "type" : "Users", "accessLevel" : 1, "name" : "[email protected]", "ssoUser" : true }, { "type" : "Groups", "accessLevel" : 1, "id" : 10001 } ] |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $bearer" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"shareProperties\" : [ { \"type\" : \"Users\", \"access_level\" : 1, \"name\" : \"[email protected]\", \"ssoUser\" : true} ] }" ""
This endpoint is for creating a new category
POST /api/1.0/category?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
parentId | Id of a parent category. Set 0 to make the root category |
categoryName | Name of new category |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return created Category json info. Output example:
{ "createdDate":1481572146000, "lastModDate":null, "userId":10077, "id":16, "parentId":0, "ownerUserName":"[email protected]", "accessLevel":1, "name":"name2" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
409 CONFLICT | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"parentId\":123,\"categoryName\":\"new name\"}" ""
This endpoint is for deleting the categories of a given category id
DELETE /api/1.0/category/<objectId>?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Category id of category to delete |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X DELETE
This endpoint is for updating/modifying a category of a given category id
PUT /api/1.0/category/<objectId>?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Category id of category to edit |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
PUT JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
categoryName | New name of category |
parentId | New parent Id of category |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Return edited Category json info. Output example:
{ "createdDate":1481572146000, "lastModDate":null, "userId":10077, "id":16, "parentId":0, "ownerUserName":"[email protected]", "accessLevel":1, "name":"name2" } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
409 CONFLICT | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"categoryName\":\"updated category name\", \"parentId\": 123}"
This endpoint is for assigning the assets to the categories
POST /api/1.0/category/assign?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Asset id to assign categories to. This could be Dashboard id, Widget id or Query id, depending on objectType parameter. |
categories | Array of categories IDs to assign (replace). |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"objectId\":10050, \"categories\": [ 123, 456 ] }"
This endpoint is for adding a category with asset
POST /api/1.0/category/add?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Asset id to add category to. This could be Dashboard id, Widget id or Query id, depending on objectType parameter. |
category | Id of category to add. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{ \"objectId\":10050, \"category\":123 }"
This category is for removing the categories from assets
POST /api/1.0/category/remove?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Asset id to remove category from. This could be Dashboard id, Widget id or Query id, depending on objectType parameter. |
category | Id of category to remove. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
404 NOT FOUND | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{ \"objectId\":10050, \"category\":123 }"
Copies category structure from source category to a destination category including assets association. The assets will not be cloned, only put into a new category structure.
POST /api/1.0/category/copy?objectType=<objectType>
Parameter | Comments |
objectType | Type of categories. Possible values: 1 (Dashboards), 2 (Charts), 4 (Queries) |
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Asset id to add category to. This could be Dashboard id, Widget id or Query id, depending on objectType parameter. |
sourceCategoryId | Source category id to copy from |
targetParentCategoryId | Target category id to which put the copy of source category |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | No response body |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | Cannot consume content type - The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{ \"sourceCategoryId\":10050, \"targetParentCategoryId\":10025 }"
The NLP API lets you develop applications to list query suggestions and retrieve the associated response from the query. With this API, you can make NLP requests to search across datasets within a given user's account.
The result of NLP query is a JSON object that includes query suggestions with matching datasetId or the parsed results from the NLP query.
Get query suggestions with keyword searches
GET /api/1.0/nlp/suggestions?query=average
Parameter | Comments |
query | Query which will be used for generation of autosuggestions |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
[ { "query": "average conversions", "datasetId": "16042", "datasetName": "report 2" }, { "query": "average spam", "datasetId": "16041", "datasetName": "report 1" }, { "query": "average unitprice", "datasetId": "16037", "datasetName": "Online_Retail_2" }, { "query": "average customerid", "datasetId": "16036", "datasetName": "Online_Retail_1" }, { "query": "average opened", "datasetId": "16042", "datasetName": "report 2" } ] |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": "Current user is not allowed to use natural language processing", "documentation_url": "" } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X GET "http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/nlp/suggestions?query=aver"
Returns results of parsed NLP query
POST /api/1.0/nlp/query/parse
Parameter | Required | Comments |
query | Yes | Query to process |
datasetId | Yes | Dataset that your query relates to |
format | Yes | Format of the response (json, txt). Defaults to json |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
[ { "Average Conversions": 3295.814814814815 } ] |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": "Current user is not allowed to use natural language processing", "documentation_url": "" } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "datasetId=16040&query=average%20conversions&format=json" "http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/nlp/query/parse"
Returns results of parsed NLP query with best match dataset.
POST /api/1.0/nlp/dataset
POST JSON payload:
Parameter | Required | Comments |
query | Yes | Query to process |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "data":[ { "sent": 100 }, { "sent": 200 } ], "datasetName":"csv157", "datasetId":15532" } |
204 NO_CONTENT | { "message": "No datasets found to match query", "documentation_url": "" } Error details: |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
Error details: |
Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "query=show%20where%20sending_activity%20grater%20than%20100" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/nlp/dataset
Access data for a widget/dataset defined in Knowi. This supports cached query results and direct query. The query identifier or widget/dataset entityName is used to determine with data to pull. Only one is needed.
GET /api/1.0/datasets
Parameter | Type | Comments |
entityName | String | Name of the dataset/widget to load data. Example: Regional Sales |
identifier | String | The query identifier to load data. Example: 78SDD2 To obtain:
c9SqlFilter | String | (Optional) SQL like Filter to manipulate the data returned. See #Cloud9QL documentation for supported functions.
Example: select * where salesDate > $c9_today |
exportFormat | String | (Optional) Data format to return. Options are (json, csv). Defaults to json if blank. |
optimized | Boolean | (Optional) If True , outputs as 'json' compressed with GZIP. Defaults to False |
limit | integer | (Optional) Number of records to return |
runtimeTokens | Array of JSON | (Optional) Passing runtime tokens for direct queries e.g. `$c9_fieldName1=value1` . Should be urlencoded json of tokens. Example of json:
[{"parameterName":"$c9_hitsParam$", "parameterValue":3}, {...}]Urlencoded: %5B%7B%22parameterName%22%3A%22%24c9_hitsParam%24%22%2C%20%22parameterValue%22%3A3%7D%5D |
version | integer | (Optional) Version of output. Applicable when 'optimized' set to True. Defaults to 0 . Supported values 0 and 1 . When set to 0 - the compressed output will contain data, when set to 1 - the compressed output will contain data and column types. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
[ {"name":"shop1","visitors":25}, {"name":"shop2","visitors":103} ] |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER"
This endpoint returns the dataset of a given dataset id
GET /api/1.0/datasets/<objectId>
Parameter | Comments |
objectId | Dataset id to view |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Output example:
{ "createdDate": 1643744369000, "lastModDate": 1643744428000, "id": 16171, "metadataConfig": "{\"fields\":[{\"fieldName\":\"Bounced\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Campaign_name\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Clicks\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Conversions\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Customer\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Date\",\"fieldType\":\"java.util.Date\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Delivered\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"id\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"message_type\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.String\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Opened\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Sent\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Spam\",\"fieldType\":\"java.lang.Integer\"},{\"fieldName\":\"Week\",\"fieldType\":\"java.util.Date\"}]}", "lastUpdateDate": 1643744369000, "mongoId": null, "mongoConnectUri": "localhost:27017/Some_a3PNFK", "customerId": 1033, "datasetName": "Test2022-02-01-19-39__5", "identifier": "jqGGU7", "userId": 10077, "refreshMeta": false, "injectStreamTime": false, "nlpEnabled": true, "nlpBotEnabled": true, "nlpConfig": null, "customer": null, "metaData": { "fields": [ { "fieldName": "Bounced", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Campaign_name", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "Clicks", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Conversions", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Customer", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "Date", "fieldType": "java.util.Date" }, { "fieldName": "Delivered", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "id", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "message_type", "fieldType": "java.lang.String" }, { "fieldName": "Opened", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Sent", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Spam", "fieldType": "java.lang.Integer" }, { "fieldName": "Week", "fieldType": "java.util.Date" } ], "dataTypes": { "Bounced": "java.lang.Integer", "Campaign_name": "java.lang.String", "Clicks": "java.lang.Integer", "Conversions": "java.lang.Integer", "Customer": "java.lang.String", "Date": "java.util.Date", "Delivered": "java.lang.Integer", "id": "java.lang.Integer", "message_type": "java.lang.String", "Opened": "java.lang.Integer", "Sent": "java.lang.Integer", "Spam": "java.lang.Integer", "Week": "java.util.Date" }, "fieldNames": [ "Bounced", "Campaign_name", "Clicks", "Conversions", "Customer", "Date", "Delivered", "id", "message_type", "Opened", "Sent", "Spam", "Week" ] }, "direct": false } |
400 BAD REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasets/15130
This endpoint is for deleting the dataset of a given dataset id
Query: Delete the dataset with dataset_id paremeter
curl -i -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasets/<dataset_id>
It will remove all accessible dataset with taking the dataset id as parameter.
Query: Delete the dataset with datasetnameurl_encoded parameter
curl -i -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasets?name=<dataset_name_url_encoded>
It will remove all accessible dataset with taking the same dataset name for that user as a parameter.
For the dataset delete endpoint which accepts the name, since the name is not unique, there might be multiple datasets with the same name. In this case, we will return code 400 (Bad Request) and show the following message:
{ "message":"More than one dataset with matching name: Copy of Test Save. Please add \"force=true\" to remove all or append the dataset ID to remove a specific one.", "datasets":[ { "id":140060, "datasetName":"Copy of Test Save", "userId":786, "username":"[email protected]", "name":"Anh Vo" }, { "id":140063, "datasetName":"Copy of Test Save", "userId":27566, "username":"[email protected]", "name":"[email protected]" } ] }
Add the parameter "force" which can be set to true to delete all datasets with the same name.
If you pass in "force=true", the success message will look for example:
curl -i -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer e0Z3DIqtdurha2gzeqMKXg2Kvf4ipY5Sl13JrolDoOrwie" 'http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/datasets?name=Copy%20of%20Test%20Save&force=true'
HTTP/1.1 200
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=24660911A36031B8A97873C422AB44DE; Path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 151
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 23:13:49 GMT
{ "message" : "Successfully removed 2 dataset(s) with name: Copy of Test Save", "documentation_url" : "" }
Note: These 2 endpoints will delete all widgets (if still linked to the dataset) and disable the query as well.
Query: To get intant sights by widget-id as a parameter
curl -i -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer e0Z3DIqtdurha2gzeqMKXg2Kvf4ipY5Sl13JrolDoOrwie" 'http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/widgets/<widget-id>/insights'
Parameter | Comments |
widget-id | widget-id to view the widget |
[ { "insight":{ "id":"com.knowi.anomalyGrowthByDate", "name":"Anomaly Growth By Date", "description":"Calculate and return any anomaly detected for the growth by date", "category":"Anomaly" }, "output":[ "-0.92% change for Close that occurred on 14 Mar 23 is below than the normal ranges.", "2.62% change for Close that occurred on 13 Mar 23 is above than the normal ranges." ] }, { "insight":{ "id":"com.knowi.growthLatestByDate", "name":"Latest Growth By Date", "description":"Show latest growth summary information", "category":"Growth" }, "output":[ "The growth rate for Close during the latest period is -0.92% occurred on 14 Mar 23" ] }, { "insight":{ "id":"com.knowi.growthLatestByGroup", "name":"Latest Growth By Group", "description":"Show latest growth summary information", "category":"Growth" }, "output":[ "The growth rate for Close during the latest period is -1.29% occurred for Apple on 14 Mar 23" ] }, { "insight":{ "id":"com.knowi.growthTopByDate", "name":"Top Growth By Date", "description":"Show where growth of numeric value is highest by date", "category":"Growth" }, "output":[ "The top growth rate for Close is 11.06% occurred on 09 Nov 22" ] }, { "insight":{ "id":"com.knowi.growthTopByGroup", "name":"Top Growth By Group", "description":"Show where growth of numeric value is highest by group", "category":"Growth" }, "output":[ "The top growth rate for Close is 19.64% occurred for Tesla on 08 Mar 21" ] } ]
Generates AI Summary based on the Instant Insights for a widget.
Query: To get instant insights
GET /insights/aiSummary
Parameter | Comments |
Context | Context is an optional parameter allowing users to add instructions in plain text to filter/enhance the response. |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK |
{ [ { "summary": " Based on the provided data, here are the key insights:\n\n "Delivered":\nThe delivered value of 2,087,404 on Date 08 Jul 14 was below the predicted low threshold of 2,345,131.5.\n\n "Opened":\nThe growth rate for Opened during the latest period was 76.54%, which occurred on Date 09 Jul 14. The top growth rate for Opened was also 76.54%, which occurred on the same date.\n\n"Sent":\nThere were 11 records for Sent, with an average of 3,941,661.27, a minimum value of 2,295,850, a maximum value of 6,459,369, a standard deviation of 1,150,823.61, and a median of 3,491,998.\n\n"Clicks":\nThere were 11 records for Clicks, with an average of 178,997.45, a minimum value of 88,406, a maximum value of 297,139, a standard deviation of 59,517.37, and a median of 156,880." } ] } |
curl -i -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer nKQW1W9aNE34TgBpJ0cXIgHlhD6Ble6Insjvip6h68iisie" ''
Sets suggestions automatically using the AI engine.
Query: Sets suggestions based on the widget ID
POST /insights/aiSetSuggestions
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Successful |
curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer nKQW1W9aNE34TgBpJ0cXIgHlhD6Ble6Insjvip6h68iisie" ''
The status API is a public-facing API for determining the status of components and subcomponents in the Knowi infrastructure. This endpoint includes an indicator - one of GREEN, YELLOW, or RED, as well as a human description of the blended component status.
This is only available for On-Premise customers and requires additional configuration.
Contact [email protected] for assistance.
This Endpoint returns and check all the components
Returns the status of all components
GET /api/1.0/kpi
No parameters |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Lists components and their subcomponents. Components are represented by JSON objects. Output example:
{ checkMySQL: { 'name': 'MySQL Connectivity', 'status': 'GREEN', 'time': 1, 'statusLevel': 0 }, checkMongoDB: { 'name': 'MongoDB Connectivity', 'status': 'RED', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket}, caused by { Connection refused}}]', 'statusLevel': 2 }, checkMessageMQ: { 'name': 'Message Queue Connectivity', 'status': 'YELLOW', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Connector Realtime is not enabled', 'statusLevel': 1 }, checkHostedConnector: { 'name': 'Hosted Connector Connectivity', 'status': 'YELLOW', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Connector Realtime is not enabled', 'statusLevel': 1 }, checkQueryPreview: { 'name': 'Query Preview', 'status': 'RED', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Failed to preview query: Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket}, caused by { Connection refused}}]', 'statusLevel': 2 }, checkQuerySaveAndRunNow: { 'name': 'Query Save and Run Now', 'status': 'YELLOW', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Connector Realtime is not enabled', 'statusLevel': 1 }, checkDashboardLoad: { 'name': 'Dashboard Load', 'status': 'YELLOW', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'There is no dashboard on "system"\'s "admin" user account ', 'statusLevel': 1 }, checkWidgetLoad: { 'name': 'Widget Load', 'status': 'YELLOW', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'There is no widget on "system"\'s "admin" user account ', 'statusLevel': 1 } } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/kpi
This endpoint returns the status of a specific component. Possible components are listed below:
GET /api/1.0/kpi/<component>
Available Components | Description |
checkMySQL |
MySQL Connectivity |
checkMongoDB |
MongoDB Connectivity |
checkMessageMQ |
Message Queue Connectivity |
checkHostedConnector |
Hosted Connector Connectivity |
checkQueryPreview |
Query Preview |
checkQuerySaveAndRunNow |
Query Save and Run Now |
checkDashboardLoad |
Dashboard Load |
checkWidgetLoad |
Widget Load |
HTTP Status | Response |
200 OK | Lists components and their subcomponents. Components are represented by JSON objects. Output example:
{ 'name': 'MongoDB Connectivity', 'status': 'RED', 'time': 0, 'comment': 'Timed out after 30000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket}, caused by { Connection refused}}]', 'statusLevel': 2} } |
400 BAD_REQUEST | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
401 UNAUTHORIZED | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Common error details: |
403 FORBIDDEN | { "message": <Error details>, "documentation_url": <Documentation link> } Error details: |
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer HERE_IS_YOUR_BEARER" -X GET http://localhost:9090/api/1.0/kpi/checkMongoDB