Google Cloud Platform Monitoring Datasource Integration

Knowi comes with inbuilt support to create a dataset using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Monitoring as a datasource. Add it to the dashboard and build numerous visualizations with an altered representation of the GCP metrics.

Add GCP Monitoring Datasource

  1. Select Queries from the left sidebar menu.

  2. Click on the NEW DATASOURCE+ button from the top right corner of the interface.

  3. Select Google Cloud Platform Monitoring under the API & Cloud Services.

  4. Add the following details to configure GCP monitoring datasource:

    a. Datasource Name: Name of your datasource
    b. Scope: Permissions list
    c. Key File: Upload Key File to authenticate the application as a service account
    d. Google Monitor Project Name: Project name (ID) associated with Google account used for application as a service account.

  5. Click on the Test Connection to confirm successful connection to the GCP Monitoring datasource, hit the Save button, and start Querying.


Query GCP Monitoring Datasource

The GCP Monitoring datasource can be queried in two ways:

Query Mode: Metric

The options available may change depending upon the metric you select.

Here is an example of a Query made against Google Cloud Platform Monitoring:


Below are the preview results of the Query based on the information provided above.


Query Mode: Meta

Meta query mode offers to select the Meta type. Depending upon the Meta type, users may be asked to configure Metrics Folder, Metrics, Additional Filter, Dimensions (Filters), From To Time, and other parameters.
