Managing Alerts

All alerts are managed in a central location in the Alerts Management screen. From the dashboard, click on the Alerts icon on the left side panel. 


Creating a New Alert

You can create new alerts in Alerts Management by clicking the Add Trigger Notification + or Add Data Update Alerts + orange icons. Note that Widget Alerts must be created on the widget themselves.

Alerts List

The list of Alerts you?ve created are listed here, along with details about the alert. You can also edit, share, clone, or delete alerts here.

Alert Details

Edit an Alert

You can edit an alert by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of each alert listing.

Clone an Alert

To clone an alert:

  1. Click the 3-dot icon on the right side of the alert listing
  2. Select Clone
  3. Make any changes to the alert as needed
  4. Click Save
  5. The cloned alert will now appear in the Alert list

Delete an Alert

To delete an alert:

  1. Click the 3-dot icon on the right side of the alert listing
  2. Select Delete
  3. You will be asked to confirm if you want to delete the alert. To proceed, click OK

Share an Alert

You can explicitly share an alert with another user. Note that sharing is only available to users who have full access rights to the dataset being used for the alert. 

To share an alert:

  1. Click the 3-dot icon on the right side of the alert listing
  2. Select Share
  3. In the dropdown, select the user(s) to share the alert to
  4. Click Share

Webhooks & Slacks

In Alerts Management, you also see a list of all the Webhook and Slack alerts you've created. You can edit each entry by clicking the pencil icon on the right hand side of each line. You can also delete an entry by clicking the Delete icon. 

Email Alert Template and Tokens

For alerts sent via email, you have the option to write custom HTML to customize the body of the email template. The body can contain the dynamic tags below:










For example, using the default HTML payload template for a Trigger Notification Alert:

Will produce an email alert body that looks similar to the image below:

Using C9_Date Tokens:

Users have the ability to specify the c9_date token in the alert email subject and body in the following format:


For example, {$c9_today-1d:YYYYMMdd} will be translated automatically to yesterday?.

If the format is not specified (YYYYMMdd in the example above) - then the default user date-time format is applied.

For more information on supported date tokens and time units, you can refer to the Date Tokens section of our documentation.

Using Date Tokens in Email, Webhook, Slack and Teams

Date tokens can be used in emails, webhooks, Slack, and Teams.

In emails: subject and body.

In case of webhooks: URL to Invoke, Authentication URL, Headers, Auth Headers, and Custom POST body.

In Slack and Teams: Message.