AI Tools

Knowi offers a suite of AI-powered tools to explore and intereact with your data:

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Knowi's NLP feature lets users ask questions in plain English to generate insights and visualizations directly from the data.

AI Dashboards: AI Dashboards create visualizations and widgets from your dataset with a single click, allowing you to quickly analyze your data.

InstantSights: InstantSights generates plain English insights and anomaly detection from your dashboards, enables you to create insight widgets for your dashboard, and allows you to send summary reports.

Document AI: Document AI allows you to upload documents, ask natural language questions, and get precise answers directly from the content, all within Knowi.

OpenAI as a Datasource: Knowi provides built-in support to create a dataset with OpenAI as a datasource.

AI Dashboards

The AI Dashboard feature allows you to generate a complete dashboard with a single click. Users can customize and work with each widget individually. The dashboard is automatically named and saved in your workspace, functioning like any other dashboard with full access to all settings and features.

Note: Knowi uses its own AI service, and no data is sent outside of Knowi.

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to Dashboards on the left-side menu.

  1. Select the New AI Dashboard button from the dashboards menu.

  1. The AI Dashboard menu will appear on the right, prompting you to select datasets and provide context.

Step 1: Dataset Selection (Optional) Choose none, one, or multiple datasets from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Provide Additional Context (Optional) Furthermore, users can modify the widgets by giving additional context to the AI. This can be specified in the Provide any additional context textbox. You can use plain English, but use the specific data names.

For the Sending Activity AI Dashboard, here is an example of one way to provide additional context:

Step 3: Select Generate Dashboard Once you've made your selection, the AI will begin generating the dashboard and provide progress updates along the way.

The Generated Dashboard

Once additional context is provided, the dashboard is generated with a widget named as specified, and visualizations are created based on the context.

You can then verify data transformations in the Analyze tab and optionally select different visualization types to display the information. To fine-tune the instructions, click the Update Instructions button at the top of the generated dashboard.

Remember to verify the results from the AI-generated dashboard since AI cannot always be accurate.

Create AI Dashboard for Single Dataset

If you would like to create an AI dashboard for a single dataset, you can follow the above steps and only select one dataset, or you can go to the dataset management page and select the Create AI Dashboard button.


InstantSights provides Natural Language Generation (NLG) capabilities on your data in Knowi by providing insights in plain English. This is available on widgets on any dashboard if the feature is turned on.

Activate InstantSights:

Navigate to user settings, scroll down to the customer settings section, and click on the Enable button against the Instant Sights to activate NLG.

NLP Widget

View Insights

Upon activating the Insight feature, all the widgets within the dashboard will start reflecting the "Insights" button denoted using the bulb icon. Click on the insights button and the automated text-based insights (summary) for the particular widget shall be generated in plain English for you to analyze. Two categories of Insights are on two tabs: Insights and Send.

NLP Widget

Insight Types

In the Insights tab, you can find insights for the widget under different types. Five different types of insights are generated for every widget, as summarized in the table below:

Insight Type Category Interpretation
Anomaly by Date This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the data by date
Anomaly by Group This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the data by the group
Anomaly Growth by Date This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the growth by date
Anomaly Growth by Group This calculates and returns any anomaly detected for the growth by the group
Latest Growth by Date This shows the latest growth summary information
Latest Growth by Group This shows the latest growth summary information
Top Growth by Date This shows where the growth of numeric value is highest by date
Top Growth by Group This shows where the growth of numeric value is highest by group
Prediction by Date This predicts the next data point by date
Prediction by Group This predicts the next data point by a group
Summary This shows the summary of the data
Max Summary This shows max summary information
Correlation by Date Calculates the correlation for the data by date
Correlation by Group Calculates the correlation for the data by group
Compare by Date Compares metrics between the latest two periods in the past by date except for the current metric
Compare by Group Compares metrics between the latest two periods in the past by group except for the current metric
Cloud9QL Enter the Custom Cloud9QL query to prepare the data
Text Template Enter the template for your data

Note - Scroll down below for more details on the metrics.

AI Generated Summary

AI Generated Summary, when enabled, generates a summary for the widget using AI. To generate a summary, enable the toggle AI Generated Summary. You can then provide any additional context to the AI in the textbox to improvise or filter the results. The summary takes a few seconds to generate. You can also edit the result by clicking Edit Prompt. This will allow you to edit the context you provided earlier. Click on Generate Summary to re-generate the summary.

NLP Widget

Insights Settings

Configure the insight settings for any of the widgets in the dashboard to manage the type of insights you want to receive whenever this feature is used.

Generate the insights for any of the widgets and click on the settings icon on the top to start configuring the Insights. You can configure every insight type individually for all the categories i.e. Anomaly, Growth, Prediction and Summary by group and date.

NLP Widget

Or use the AI Picker to configure the insights automatically for each category.

AI Picker: Configures insights with the help of AI. By default, insights are generated for all attributes in each category, which might be unnecessary. However, AI Picker selects only the ones that are important to generate Insights.

To use the AI Picker:

  1. Click on Instant Insights (bulb icon) on any widget on your dashboard.

  2. Click AI Picker and then Save Changes.

  3. Users can now see the Instant Insights for the widget with the categories AI Picker selected.

AI Picker

Important Notes:

  1. By default, insights are automatically generated based on your data, but may be limited. You can customize it using the settings gear icon to access insight settings.

  2. For each insight settings type, you can further tweak the settings for each setting based on the type of data being represented by the widget.

  3. If InstantSights is disabled from the Team settings, then icon will not be shown.


The Send tab allows you to schedule Instant Sights Report. You can also generate a widget summary using the AI Generated Summary toggle. Navigate to Instant Sights, then click the Send tab to set up and schedule reports. To set up and schedule reports refer to the detailed documentation here: How to schedule reports?

InstantSights On/Off by Default You are provided with an additional option to set InstantSights On or Off by default.

Note: InstantSights must be enabled for this setting to appear.

NLP Widget

If this setting is turned ON; then the InstantSights feature will stay activated by default for all the widgets in the new dashboards (newly created after this "Default" option is set on).

NLP Widget

However, you can check the option- "Apply to all existing dashboard" to apply this default setting to all the existing dashboards and apply the default to all future dashboards as well.

NLP Widget

When InstantSights is enabled on every dashboard, you can then manually disable it for certain dashboards through Dashboard settings.

NLP Widget

If this setting is turned OFF, then the InstantSights feature will stay disabled by default for all the widgets in the new dashboards (newly created after this "Default" option was set on) unless you enable it manually for any particular dashboard through dashboard settings.

NLP Widget

However, you can check the option- "Apply to all existing dashboard" to apply this default setting to all the existing dashboards and apply the default to all future dashboards as well.

NLP Widget

Configure Insight

You can customise each insight type/option from the "configure Insight" settings by providing the values in the required fields respectively.

Anomaly By Date

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm
Threshold Anomaly detection threshold
Lookback Lookback periods
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Anomaly By Group

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm
Threshold Anomaly detection threshold
Lookback Lookback periods
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Result Limit Result limit

Anomaly Growth By Date

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm
Threshold Anomaly detection threshold
Lookback Lookback periods
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Anomaly Growth By Group

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm
Threshold Anomaly detection threshold
Lookback Lookback periods
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Latest Growth By Date

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Frequency Time-frequency to compute growth for
Result Limit Result Limit

Latest Growth By Group

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Frequency Time-frequency to compute growth for
Result Limit Result Limit

Top Growth By Date

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Top Growth By Group

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Prediction By Date

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Prediction Date Prediction date
Frequency Time-frequency to compute growth for
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm

Prediction By Group

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Prediction Date Prediction date
Frequency Time-frequency to compute growth for
Algorithm Forecasting algorithm
Result Limit Result Limit


NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Result Limit Result Limit

Max Summary

NLP Widget

Field Interpretation
Metric The numeric forecasted attribute of your data
Date Date/Time series attribute of your data
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data

Correlation by Date

Instant Sights

Field Interpretation
Date Date/Time attribute of your data
Cause Cause attribute of your data
Effect Effect attribute of your data

Correlation by Group

Instant Sights

Field Interpretation
Dimension Dimension value to be applied to your data
Date Date/Time attribute of your data
Cause Cause attribute of your data
Effect Effect attribute of your data

Compare by Date

Instant Sights

Field Interpretation
Aggregation Select the Aggregation mode. Depending on the selection, the Sum or Average of the metric values across the chosen period will be calculated for comparison.
Metric Metric of Data field
Date Field Date or Time filed of your data
Period The period for compare

Compare by Group

Instant Sights

Field Interpretation
Aggregation Select the Aggregation mode. Depending on the selection, the Sum or Average of the metric values across the chosen period will be calculated for comparison.
Metric Metric of Data field
Dimension Grouping attribute of your data
Date Field Effect attribute of your data
Period The period for compare
Result Limit Set limit for the results


It allows you to run Cloud9QL on your widget data and display the results using the template.

Instant Sights

Field Interpretation Allowed values
Cloud9QL Custom Cloud9QL query to prepare the data Cloud9QL syntax queries. See the documentation [here](
Test Template Template for your data. Use tokens to render the Cloud9QL query results here. Templates can be in plain text or HTML tags, along with tokens. {N[0]V} - returns the 1st numeric column from the C9QL query. {S[0]V} - returns the 1st string column from the C9QL {D[0]V} - returns the 1st date column from the C9QL {S[~0-8]V} - Excludes string columns from 1 to 7 and returns the rest.


For {S[0]V} there are {N[0]V} records, with an average of {N[1]V}. Will output: For July there are 400 records, with an average of 15.7.

Document AI

With Document AI, you can upload your files, ask questions, and receive precise answers directly from your content, without your data ever leaving Knowi. Whether you're working with text-heavy reports, presentations, or other documents, Document AI is here to simplify your workflow.

Key Features

How to Activate

Reach out to your Knowi account manager to enable Document AI.

How to Use Document AI

Accessing Document AI

Navigate to the Document AI section within the product. You'll find it on the left sidebar of Knowi. If the button isn't visible, it might not be activated for your account yet?reach out to your Knowi account manager to enable this feature.

AI Docs

Uploading Your Documents

Once you?re in the Document AI section, you can upload your documents through drag and drop or the file upload section. Soon, you will be able to connect to Slideshare or Google Drive and import your files directly.

Supported file types include: .txt, .md, .py, .pdf, .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .docx, .doc.

AI Docs AI Docs

Asking Questions

Once your document(s) are uploaded, you can start asking questions. Type your query into the query box and hit enter. Document AI will search through your documents and return the most relevant information, along with the source location.

AI Docs

Reviewing Answers

Document AI not only provides you with the answer but also shows where in the document the information was found. You can click on the Sources link to jump directly to that section of the document.

AI Docs

Asking Questions of Multiple Documents

You can upload and query multiple documents simultaneously. Document AI will search across all uploaded files to provide the most relevant information. This is particularly useful when working with related documents or comparing information across different sources.

Here, you can see three active files currently being searched. By selecting "Sources," you'll view the name of the document that provided the answer.

AI Docs

Managing Your Files

Navigate to the Files tab to manage your documents. On the left, you can toggle documents on or off to include or exclude them from the chat's context. On the right, you can share files with other users or delete them. To remove multiple files at once, use the blue "Delete Multiple" button at the bottom.

AI Docs

Tips for Best Results

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly through the in-app support chat. Always fact-check the answers by exploring the sources directly below the answer.


Document AI is designed to make your work with documents faster and more efficient. By following the steps above, you can easily upload, query, and navigate through your documents to find exactly what you need.

OpenAI Datasource Integration

Knowi provides built-in support to create a dataset with OpenAI as a datasource and develop multiple visualizations on top of it, each with a transformed view of the original data from the dataset. Before you can create your dashboard with OpenAI, you need to add OpenAI as a data source and query against it.

For information on setting up OpenAI as a datasource check out our docs: OpenAI Datasource